[ND Core] [FREE] Realistic Shot Spotter Script

ND Core Shot Spotter Script

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config = {
    shotSpotterDelay = 10, -- delay (in seconds) when cops will receive a notification after there has been a shooting.
    shotSpotterTimer = 60, -- How long should the shot spotter stay on the map.
    shotSpotterCooldown = 50, -- Cooldown for the next time a player can trigger it again.
    shotSpotterUsePostal = false, -- if you're using the nearest postal script turn this to true.

    -- This is the departments that will receive the shot spotter.
    LEODepartments = {

    -- Weapon that won't be triggered by the shot spotter.
    weaponBlackList = {

    useRealisticShotSpotter = true, -- this is if you want to enable the shot spotter only when the player is inside one of the zones below. The zones are in the city and a little around it.
    realisticShotSpotterLocations = {
        {x = 653.4214, y = -648.7440, z = 57.1897},
        {x = 1015.9837, y = -255.2573, z = 85.5857},
        {x = 329.9973, y = 288.9604, z = 120.1029},
        {x = -202.7689, y = -327.3490, z = 66.0497},
        {x = 31.3205, y = -875.2959, z = 31.4629},
        {x = 70.1372, y = -1718.3291, z = 34.2056},
        {x = 1196.9178, y = -1624.6641, z = 50.3403},
        {x = -852.9095, y = -1215.8782, z = 9.2463},
        {x = -932.7648, y = -448.8844, z = 42.9436},
        {x = -1713.6848, y = 478.4267, z = 130.3795},
        {x = -596.5602, y = 515.0753, z = 109.675},
        {x = 716.6274, y = -1958.7434, z = 44.7564}

    testing = false -- if you're adding zones above and want to enable the blips on the map to see where the zone is then turn this on, otherwise turn it off.


More to ND Framework:
ND Core
ND ID Card


Good work!

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Nice work! I don’t know if it is possible or how much work it is but how about if you add a chance of calling in? Like in the city it is 100%, in the outskirts it’s like 80% and in the wilderness it’s like 30-50% that someone would call in the shots.

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This is a shot spotter not really anyone calling them in but a device that can detect gun shot sound. If you turn on realistic mode then it will only work in the city.

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i think he means adding lowering the chance of the alert going through when outside of the city instead of turning it off entirely outside the city. so some zones can be 100% or 100/100 and some can be like 50% or 50/50

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