ND Core Shot Spotter Script
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config = {
shotSpotterDelay = 10, -- delay (in seconds) when cops will receive a notification after there has been a shooting.
shotSpotterTimer = 60, -- How long should the shot spotter stay on the map.
shotSpotterCooldown = 50, -- Cooldown for the next time a player can trigger it again.
shotSpotterUsePostal = false, -- if you're using the nearest postal script turn this to true.
-- This is the departments that will receive the shot spotter.
LEODepartments = {
-- Weapon that won't be triggered by the shot spotter.
weaponBlackList = {
useRealisticShotSpotter = true, -- this is if you want to enable the shot spotter only when the player is inside one of the zones below. The zones are in the city and a little around it.
realisticShotSpotterLocations = {
{x = 653.4214, y = -648.7440, z = 57.1897},
{x = 1015.9837, y = -255.2573, z = 85.5857},
{x = 329.9973, y = 288.9604, z = 120.1029},
{x = -202.7689, y = -327.3490, z = 66.0497},
{x = 31.3205, y = -875.2959, z = 31.4629},
{x = 70.1372, y = -1718.3291, z = 34.2056},
{x = 1196.9178, y = -1624.6641, z = 50.3403},
{x = -852.9095, y = -1215.8782, z = 9.2463},
{x = -932.7648, y = -448.8844, z = 42.9436},
{x = -1713.6848, y = 478.4267, z = 130.3795},
{x = -596.5602, y = 515.0753, z = 109.675},
{x = 716.6274, y = -1958.7434, z = 44.7564}
testing = false -- if you're adding zones above and want to enable the blips on the map to see where the zone is then turn this on, otherwise turn it off.
More to ND Framework:
ND Core
ND ID Card