[QB, ESX, ND] ID Card script with mugshot

This new script allows you to create an identification card and hand it over to people, to create the card you can use the command /createid and a window will open where you can write the information about your character and once you create the id it will save so you don’t have to create an id everytime you login. Then you can use /showid to give your id to the closest player or /showid [id] to give your id to a specific player using their server id.

• Create id
• Animations
• Show id to the closest player
• Show id to a specific player
• Working while in car

• Support for ND Framework
• Support for ESX Framework
• Support for QB Framework
• Support for Custom Framework
• Support for using standalone


Purchase here! (tebex)

This resource is compatible with ND_Core but you can also integrate it with other frameworks (see config below)

This resource uses the escrow system for the client and server file, but offers a nice configs. If you wan’t more features in the config you can always suggest it.


config = {
    openCommand = "showid", -- command that will show another person the id if the player isn't in range then you'll need to write his server id in game.
    creatorCommand = "createid", -- command used to create a new id. (only if useStandalone is true)
    giveDistance = 4, -- the distance that the other player needs to be to be able to use the /showid command without an id.
    useStandalone = true, -- set to true if you're not using a framework. If you set it to false you will have to give the getIdentity function values.
    useServerSide = false, -- this will use the getIdentity() server side if you're not using standalone.

-- if you're not using standalone then you can write a script to get the values into there or use one of the ones I've provided for the frameworks.
function getIdentity(source)
    firstName = "John"
    lastName = "Doe"
    dob = "00/00/00"
    gender = "male"
    return firstName, lastName, dob, gender


Is there a way to link it up with a database

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What database would you like to use?


Love you Andy!

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Anyone else having issue with the script simply not starting?
tried start id_card and ensure but no luck


You need to start it on a server that you’ve registered on keymaster

This is a registered server. I’m confused.

Are you getting any errors, did you try the script out or how did you figure it’s not starting? I need more info to be able to help you.

mysql, something like that
will this also be an addon with the framework?

The command is not coming up at all. Unfortunately I’ve seen no errors in my console either! Really weird. Its like it doesn’t exist. It is the ONLY script that does this. Every other script starts fine.

This, I was wondering if you could make an SQL version where we can add our framework data (first name, last name, and dob)

Wanna get in a call so I can help you?

Yes this will be compatible with my framework

Yes there is a config where you can integrate any information from any framework

Can i make more cards?

Yes like what cards

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driver Licence, etc

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Pilot License
Commercial Driver/Vehicle License
Off Road Vehicle Permit

would very cool to have also

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Working on an update to allow multiple card, if you’ve already purchased this asset you will be able to download the update from your keymaster :slight_smile:

When that local hit you, they meant that personally lmao

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