Multiplayer Garbage Job [QBCore & ESX & vRP & STANDALONE]

This is the second version of this script. The new post was created because of the change of the brand, the site, and the introductory video!

Script for the job of a garbage collector, without limits!
Possibility to work in teams, invite up to 3 friends to your team to collect trash faster!

Get into a garbage truck and collect garbage from all over the map! The script does not work on the principle of boring driving from point to point. You can load every bag of garbage on the map.

Very well optimized (0.00ms resmon on idle)

Extensive configurability!
- Plug in your own configuration system
- Possibility to block working alone (Good for RP, then the player interacts with other players)
- Salary
- Localization
- Translation
- Workwear
- Job Vehicle
- Requred Job (or set to none)

Preview: Youtube
Tebex: Tebex
Our Dev Server: Connect

You can test this script by yourself, on our Dev Server!

Update 18.08:
Many people as well as even customers asked us to add qb-target and qtarget support for our job scripts, we listened to your requests and here we present a update:

Adding support for the target system

  • ESX version: qtarget
  • QB version: qb-target

But that’s not all, we’ve included an open source file where the features for the target system are available, and you can very easily swap this for other systems.

My Other Works:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements For QB QBCore
Requirements For ESX Es_extended
Support Yes


Script has been updated, and now supports also vRP and can work STANDALONE :slight_smile: