[H@mer][GameRoom] Racing (GTA:O Style) + Map Creator

There is no need, it automaticly create the required database.

It Gives instructions at the top of this topic, but for your info, it’s very simple indeed. As long as you follow the instructions:


  • Easy Config, standalone, make for all server.
  • Many config.
  • Low resmon.
  • 42 stunt maps available.
  • Finish time record. (mysql)
  • Press Z show scoreboard.
  • Spectate mode when finish race.
  • End game screen result.
  • Lobby own world, racing will not affect other players who are not in lobby.
  • Support XP rank system DarkRP_XP .

Installation Guide

  1. Download all Requirements and extract file.
  2. Remove -main from all folder (ArenaLobby-main > ArenaLobby) (Don’t change folder realname to other).
  3. Start script respectively.

ensure oxmysql
ensure ArenaAPI
ensure ArenaLobby
ensure RageUI
ensure DarkRP_Racing

  1. Edit config, event file for server, client.
  2. For remove map form menu just delete file client/maps/*.lua.
  3. Game Room menu you can edit in ArenaLobby
  4. This script need OneSync, if you have no knowledge just add +set onesync legacy to start.bat

Custom Map Tutorial

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With the news Rockstar Have Purchased FiveM, will this script continue to be supported, as it could have a huge benefit for us and mainly You?

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I have a question regarding the Best Lap time.

Whenever people race, and there is already a best lap on the track, if the players racing dont beat the best lap, in the final screen it will show the best lap of the race as their best lap, even though their lap is slower.
Also, the name of the player that actually did the best lap is not always right.

Having a hard time getting it to take and give money.

ESX Legacy & oxmysql

Everything works, just when completing a race or betting, it doesnt reflect on the ESX account.

Update: Figured it out

For those who are having the issue. Inside config/server/events.lua

Screenshot 2023-08-27 002400

Do the same for any other Example ESX code including some areas that have two dashes in front of the line of code.

Also you need to modify ESX = nil to ESX = exports[“es_extended”]:getSharedObject()

You should no longer need to use “TriggerEvent(“esx:getSharedObject”, function(obj) ESX = obj end)” when changing ESX = nil to ESX = exports[“es_extended”]:getSharedObject()

and add this into your fxmanifest.lua

– Shared script inclusion
shared_script ‘@es_extended/imports.lua’

Now you should receive money to the ESX account after the race

All you should have to do if your on ESX is…

These are Commented Out start and End quotes) That enable or disable a function

So by just removing the --[[ and closing ]]-- will enable this function

I did but it didn’t work for me. But if that doesn’t work for others, thats how I got it to work is all

Ah ok Fair enough, shame the OP isn’t here to point other users in the right direction, but they/it seem to come and go as they please.

Also if it works, thats all that matters. good luck with any other future issues.


I was really interested in this system for my racing server but it seems like the creator is very spotty and IDK if it even still works. I’m not gonna blow $30 on something that may be buggy or not even work. I need a reliable racing system.

Contact the developer, put these questions directly to them, it, her, him.

Is the best approach. It works fine for me, but never tried it with a lot of people.

So yea get some feedback from developer.

Off on topic, it’s a shame as I feel the script as huge potential if another developer took it over or the original developer realised the scripts potential

Even more so now rockstar own. Fivem

do you know if the system supports multiple races or like a playlist like GTA Online or a points system?

Kinda wish the Dev reach out more. I really was looking forward to more cool features.

No, currently the playlist and point system options are not available.

Points and Playlists and I would buy this in a second. :frowning:

Ive tried to contact the dev, no response. I tried to PM him, No response. Im afraid this script is dead.

Would’nt say its dead, as there are plenty of stable versions, that work fine with the right enviroment and setup.

however, yep the Dev, is far from respectful with communications. It’s beyond me why they are taking a blind aproach, after all its still being sold.!

I just tried to buy it. figured WTH ill give it a try and you cant even purchase it from the store, it keeps denying payment so im guessing the store is not working anymore either.

I tried to buy it, it would not go through.

Well I would contact Tebex, I am sure they can tell you exactly what is happening. As it could just be a minor issue somewhere.

Let us know how you get on

Well its seems He/it/them are still lurking, as Last seen 15 Hours ago, how bad does that make me feel, well very frustrated, I am sure others feel the same.

Not a single corresponent or reply to messages. (maybe, just maybe, they/it/him/her are magically preparing V2 of this script (We live in hope) !