[H@mer][GameRoom] Racing (GTA:O Style) + Map Creator

Ive moved on, I dont have time to wait around on a Dev that obviously doesn’t care anymore.

With the slimest of chance of anyone having this issue, (I don’t often have issues that I cannot fix)

Right so I am using transform and trying to transform to parachute, however as the video shows it will not have it. all other transform stuff is fine.

I want to use the parachute option, as its a way to be out of a vehicle & not just use it as a parachute.

Temp fix, just edit the lua file and add it manually: Hope it helps anyone that may want to use. ( I have not altered the type icon BTW type=60,) cannot remember what number that one is to display chute) but ill find it … Edited its 64

{x=1484.388, y=3121.393, z=40.834, heading=288.4, type=60, help="", dist=10.0, usez=true, transform="parachute"}, 

How do people feel about taking some action, this guy has abandened this script, has just released another script and selling it plus all other scripts.

People need to know that either he comes clean and just says, what’s happening, its disqusting.

I for one an Fuming

How do people feel about taking some action, this guy has abandened this script, has just released another script and selling it plus all other scripts.

People need to know that either he comes clean and just says, what’s happening, its disqusting.

I for one an Fuming

My expectation for this script getting anymore updates was low. So I’m not even mad. I was expecting it. There are other race scripts, sadly this one is one of the best one so far.

But you responded on his latest script saying " aye my guy is back" then saying here…

Basically your not bothered, pretty bad approach to take don’t you think?

Yes there are other race scripts etc.

However, that’s just broadcasting to the OP that you don’t care …

There are far to many Devs doing this, grabbing people’s money, abandoned the script, write another, take some more cash, then abandon it

When from the start they promise full support and updates.

Imagine if GTA did this, they have more respect and common decently, so yep I am ranting, but to show the Dev, that they are well out of order…

Update on keymaster

It’s an old beta update, nothing new…

Just a note for anyone with respawn issues when you die! ( where it keeps respawning in a loop)

Now I have done a lot of testing and have noticed with the following flavours and menus here is what happens

QB- Core - Loop Respawns you on death, no matter what settings, you put in Dark_rp
adminmenu (Qbcore)

QB- Core - No Active admin menus
Dark_rp - Works fine no issues

Standalone - Loop Respawns you on death, no matter what settings, you put in Dark_rp

Standalone - No Active admin menus
Dark_rp - Works fine no issues

I think it was same with esx when I was using it. ( not confirmed )

Unless anyone can confirm otherwise with mentioned menus and Full QB-core etc please let us know.

I posted this so that it helps others.

Basically don’t use my mentioned admin menus (unlee it works for you, great), for live enviroment, I use custom vehicles script, Peds for players to use while playing and custom script for traffic

Currently having a small problem with the script. Haven’t used it for a while, like for 7 months or so. None of the tracks seem to save. Whenever I go to edit a imported track (the .xml file) and then save it, it doesn’t appear in the race list. Doesn’t matter if I restart something or not

Also, something that is new to me, is the dependency /assetpacks. Never saw that before. Might be the issue, but idk

Did you download the latest version? Even though the DEV don’t announce when he update stuff, there’s a new version on keymaster.

ofc. I tried it with 3.3 and 3.4 beta. Script works fine itself, the races that come with the script are fine. But in the race creator, when saving new tracks, it doesn’t save

like it doesn’t create the .lua file for the track

That’s weird. I created 3 races 3 days ago and it saves.

Yeh. There’s usually a really obvious, stupid fix

Firstly the best option to edit files is via:


  1. Hitting f8 and using this command DarkRP_PointMarker “RR F2F Wallride Alan” (RR F2F Wallride Alan) < that being the name of my xml file, this should be to startoff best in your /resources/DarkRP_Racing/client/maps/customs

  2. Any edited maps after editing will be saved there.

  3. then move the created .lua file and original xml into /resources/DarkRP_Racing/client/maps/

  4. restart /resources/DarkRP_Racing/

  5. Now load your race, as you would load any normal race.

Edited from dark rp starting races way:
The other way is tricky, as it won’t let you save unless your track is a certain distance, I rarely use this way unless I know I have already edited etc.

So to recap try what I mentioned first Option 1


  1. copy this xml to your /resources/DarkRP_Racing/client/maps/customs FOLDER

RR Cross Heart.xml (125.1 KB)

  1. Press f8 and enter DarkRP_PointMarker “RR Cross Heart”

  2. Edit away > then Click save:
    Will give you:
    RR Cross Heart.lua and RR Cross Heart.xml

  3. Move the created RR Cross Heart.lua RR Cross Heart.xml to /resources/DarkRP_Racing/client/maps

  4. restart /resources/DarkRP_Racing/

  5. Test the map out

This map is here on my website >

Also remember, but I’m sure you know, you cannot edit any of Dark_Rp Files, there all encypted, plus you won’t have permission to edit those

Well, I fixed it. Since I use ZAP-Hosting for the server, I have to a FTP-client. I had to WinSCP, because Filezilla didn’t work. Now WinSCP doesn’t work, but Filezilla does. I swear, there’s always some stupid fix when I use this script

Ah, if you mentioned that, I could of told you about read and write issues with various FTP clients

Anyway glad you got it sorted

yeh. Great map tho, the one you linked

Oh, Thx. Longest part to do was the Text “random races” made of objects of course, glad you like it