[How-To] Create own Racing (GTA:O Style)

Last update: 2024-08-28T17:00:00Z

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Type command darkrp_pointmarker Nothing happens

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Scoreboard Right Text Format Example

Config.Game.Scoreboard.LeftTextFormat = "player_name" -- Default Z scoreboard display text format left.
Config.Game.Scoreboard.RightTextFormat = "player_checkpoint + / + player_totalcheckpoint" -- ult Z scoreboard display text format right.

Custom format:

player_name -- Player name of current player row
player_bestlap -- Best lap of current player row
player_checkpoint -- Current checkpoint of current player row
player_totalcheckpoint -- Total checkpoint count of current session
player_lap -- Current lap of current player row
player_vehiclename -- Current vehicle name of current player row
size_small -- Text format font size small
size_normal -- Text format font size normal
size_big -- Text format font size big
string_space -- Text format one spacebar

Support Rockstar Text Formatting: Text formatting - Cfx.re Docs
Support C Escape Sequences: Programming in Lua : 2.4

  • Spacebar not work in text format just use string_space insert.
  • If display text is very long, display text size will be smaller to fit scaleform bounding box.
  • If you have a very long display text try to newline it with escape sequences \n.


"~r~ + player_checkpoint + / + ~b~ + player_totalcheckpoint"


Font size:

"size_small + player_checkpoint + size_normal + / + size_big + player_totalcheckpoint"


Escape Sequences:

"~y~CP: + player_checkpoint + \n + ~g~LAP: + player_lap + \n~b~ + player_vehiclename"



"size_small + ~r~Checkpoint: + string_space + player_checkpoint + size_normal + \n~g~Lap: + string_space + player_lap + \n ~b~~h~ + player_vehiclename"
