Gruppe Sechs Job (ND, QB, ESX, Standalone)


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This is a gruppe6 job for FiveM, it works with ND Core, QB Core, ESX, standalone, and has bridge files so you can integrate it with your own framework.

The script is very configurable and has a lot of features. You can add friends to a group and do the job together. Once you start the job you will have an assigned bank. You have to collect a trolley and once you’re have to drive it back to the vault. Other players can rob the players that are doing the job. This can be configured and turned off. This script is really optimized and will always receive new features upon suggestions.


  • Pickup & move trolleys.
  • Walk, and running animations when moving trolley.
  • Other players can rob trolley.
  • Group system & play with friends.
  • Non escrowed bridge & configuration files to integrate with your framework.
  • Auto detects ND, QB, ESX.


more configuration can be added upon request and suggestions. These are the default things you can find in the configuration files.

  • Bank locations
  • clothing for ped models
  • truck model
  • job restriction
  • minimum and maximum players in group
  • if money can be robbed or not
  • robbing reward
  • security deposit to start job
  • workers pay pool
  • notifications
  • bridge functions & more

Video perview (worker perspective):

Video perview (robber perspective):

Other scripts found in preview video:


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2300
Requirements ox_lib, ox_target
Support Yes
[Purchase here!](

Support discord

if you have any questions or are in need of support you can reach out on discord.
Andyyy Script Support discord


A version without a tragett would be great

What would you like it to use I can add a configuration to choose target on/off.

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Choose whether there is text or 3D text at the top left

Seen a few scripts of this job, but this is exactly my taste.
Great work!


Thank you @Randy_Clocks :smiley:

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Looks nice, good work

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Thank you :heart:

qtarget would be cool, I could settle for 3D text but this is pretty cool. I like the current job I have but this is pretty solid too

Thank you, I’ll be soon looking into another option for non oxtarget users but I think if you use qtarget you might aswell upgrade to oxtarget since oxtarget is backwards compatible and way better.

Damn, this was very nice

Why would you want ugly ui on your screen instead of target lol

QB Target, QB Menu, and QB Input would be a nice addition to the script to support out of the box so you can choose between ox and QB.

no, no ui but a help text when I approach the object

just use target?