[FREE] [STANDALONE] Target System v0.3.0

BOII Development - Target System



Just what everyone wanted, another targetting resource…

So why make another target resource? The short answer… Why not? Long answer, we want everything in our framework to be made entirely in house, so of course a target system was needed. Script functions just like a targeting system should, create a zone, model or entity and attach a set of actions to it you can access through the target. Simple really. Currently supports box zones, circle, sphere plus included support for target models and entity zones.

Additional features may be added in the future as this will be used heavily throughout our resource catalogue if we need something it will be added.


Target system will be moved out of a beta release once bridge functions have been created to allow for easier switching for users of other systems.

Why boii_target?

  • :gear: Modularity and Flexibility: Choose only what you need with our modular system. This approach allows for an optimized and efficient experience, ensuring that your server only runs what’s necessary, reducing overhead and complexity.
  • :rocket: Optimized Performance: Engineered for high performance with minimal resource usage. Our system guarantees a smooth and immersive player experience, without putting extra load on your server.
  • :dart: Comprehensive Features: Our Target System is equipped with a versatile range of functionalities. From various zone types to entity interactions, we’ve got all your creative needs covered, complete with detailed documentation for ease of use.


:package: Zone Types

  • Box Zones: Create and customize rectangular target zones. Define dimensions and specify actions to bring your game world to life.
  • Circle Zones: Implement circular target zones. Set the radius and associate them with specific actions to enhance player interaction.
  • Sphere Zones: Expand to three dimensions with spherical target zones. These zones can be fully customized with various actions.
  • Entity Zones: Interact directly with specific entities within your game. Our system allows for precise targeting and interaction with game world entities.

:busts_in_silhouette: Target Models

  • Model-Specific Interactions: Incorporate models into your target system. This feature allows for unique interactions and actions tied to specific in-game models, offering a more personalized and immersive experience.

Getting Started

To start using boii_target, clone or download the latest version of the library and integrate into your projects. Make sure to read through the documentation for information regarding any of the utilities you wish to use.



  • :globe_with_meridians: boii_utils Required: The BOII Target System relies on the boii_utils library to function seamlessly. This versatile utility library is essential for developers and is available for free. Download the Utility Library here.

Contribution & Support

boii_target is an open-source project.
We encourage developers to contribute, suggest improvements, or raise issues.

I will try to respond to any of the questions people may have here, however it will be a faster response to hop in one of our direct channels :slight_smile:


:free: Our free resources

Developer LUA Utility Library
Target System
Chat Theme
UI Elements
Minigame Collection

We do have a variety of other free resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other free resources on our tebex stores Tebex 1 | Tebex 2 or our GitHub

:moneybag: Our paid resources

Roleplay Tests & Licence System

We do have a variety of other paid resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other paid resources on our tebex store Tebex 1

Much love and happy scripting! :heart:


Looks great love it!

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So this is what you have been up to lately, Love it!



Will be improved on as time progresses, will be an included option in the new updates coming so anything that it needs will be added :slight_smile:

:stuck_out_tongue: been busy laying the ground work for the new multi-framework updates pretty much. That plus life stuff has meant a little longer delay than I’d like. Making some progress now though. Won’t much longer.


Ooh awesome, hope everything is alright and It’s awesome to see what you are doing :smile:

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v0.2.0 has been pushed.
have some more improvements to make to the bridges before this becomes a v1.0.0 release.

Resource: boii_target
Version: 0.2.0
-> Made some adjustments to zone functions as they were a little janky now work as expected *(requires updated boii_utils)*.
-> Added add_player + add_vehicle function to allow for global ped + vehicle target options.
-> Added remove_zone function to allow for removing of zones that are no longer needed.


v0.3.0 is up fixed a few things.

Still keeping this in a alpha state until all bridges are complete.

-> Fixed issue with distance checks not actually working.
-> Fixed issue with targeting models now works.
-> Reversed menu layout now populates right -> left instead of left -> right so targets with one option populate the way everyones used too.
-> Made some adjustments to debugging functions.