[FREE][STANDALONE][MAP] NYC Postal Map - Free Version

Hey guys :slight_smile: so after the popularity of my Los Angeles Map I thought it would be a good idea to show some love to New York since that is my home :two_hearts: so here is the Free version of my NYC postal map for liberty city. The Free version only comes with the New York Graffiti version. A premium pack with more versions and source files will be available soon!



Premium Version:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 20
Requirements None
Support No

which map you use ?

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It should work with any map that replaces Los santos with Liberty City

Do you have a version of this with a different text font? Or one without text at all just the map and postal’s?

Yes in the premium version there is more versions and the source files so you can edit the maps how you like :+1:t4:

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do you have a link to use liberty city map ?

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were can i find this map

Does a street name hud exist for LC? If so can someone point me to that.

Do u have a postal script to use with

The json to put in the nearest postal

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It is coming soon in an update for the premium version

Since this is about nyc map maybe someone can assist me. I have tried but, can’t figure how to get the Liberty City server started. I have taken out the old skater map and replaced it with the new. But LS is still showing up when I restart. What am I doing wrong. Created QBcore server and replaced the skater map already. But no luck :unamused:

It honestly depends on the version of liberty city you have there’s a lot of different ones out there that require different types of set ups.

I’m not sure which version, but I do know that it’s a well used one and it was free from someone that creates mlo/maps for liberty city.

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that person may be able to point you in the right direction if you are in contact with them

you have a miami map?

Coming soon after I finish my nyc projects

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Is there one but for the new york map next to cayo perico?

No there is not, only for the one that replaces los santos

oh ok thanks