[FREE] [STANDALONE] FiveM Promo Codes 🎮

I know the script idea might not be very original, but the purpose of it is people can learn something from it.

Key Features :star2:

Beginner friendly: :orange_book:

As always, once I release free scripts, I do my best at commenting everything, so you can guys learn something just by reading the script.

Customizable Configuration :gear:

The script is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor it to fit the specific needs of your server. You can easily configure various settings such as database options, debug messages, and command names.

Automatic Code Creation :arrows_counterclockwise:

The script automatically inserts predefined codes into the database when the resource starts, ensuring that your codes are always up to date without any manual intervention.

Unique Code Activation Options :key:

You can configure the script to allow only one player to use a specific code, or set it so that multiple players can use the same code up to a certain limit. This flexibility ensures that you can manage code activations according to your server’s requirements.

Reward System :moneybag::gift:

The reward system is versatile, allowing you to grant players different types of rewards upon code activation:

  • Money Rewards: Players can receive a specified amount of in-game currency.
  • Item Rewards: Players can receive specific items, with configurable quantities.

Discord Logging :scroll::satellite:

The script also includes a logging feature that sends notifications to a Discord channel whenever a code is activated. This helps you keep track of code usage and player activities in real-time.

Fully Open Source :unlock:

This script is fully open source, allowing you to edit and modify it however you want. Feel free to customize it to fit your server’s unique needs and share your improvements with the community.

Download and Installation :inbox_tray:

You can download the script from the following link:

Download the FiveM Script
You can also read simple docs about the script here!

Usage :rocket:

To use this script, players simply need to enter the activation command followed by the code:
Copy code

/code ABC123

Make sure to configure your database and codes correctly. Enjoy the enhanced gameplay experience with code activations and rewards! :tada:

Demo :camera:

Conclusion :checkered_flag:

This script provides a flexible and robust way to manage code activations and rewards in your FiveM server. Customize it to fit your needs, and let your players enjoy the benefits! I hope this will help for someone! Happy coding! :space_invader:

Check out my premium scripts too! :crown:

:gun: > Weapon Jamming & Maintenance System

:mortar_board: > Tutorial Script for your server’s beginners

:red_car: > Make your vehicles loud and fun!

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~300
Requirements None
Support No

only esx

Hello, it’s fully open source and there are only 2 framework based functions that are in config.lua file and easily editable. You can easily make it work with QB or any other framework, but I will update the script for QB too.

Updated the script, so it auto detects framework, now supporting ESX and QB-Core! Don’t forget that you can use this script with any framework, you just need to change code that is in config.lua!

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Hey, thank you for this great script! Would it also be possible to implement a referral system?

Hello, what do you mean to be exact?
Like setting owner of the code, so they can claim a little % when player have used their code?

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:rocket: Update Changelog
:tada: New Features:
:hammer_and_wrench: Referral System Integration: We’ve added a referral system to enhance your gaming experience!
:bug: Debugging Updates: Enhanced debugging messages for easier troubleshooting and smoother gameplay.
:wrench:Code Cleanup: Streamlined code for better readability and maintainability.

Update it my github

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The users would have the ability to create a referral code and players that have less than 1 hour playtime can use one of those codes. Both the code creator and the code user would get rewards

Maybe in future I’ll make another script, because your idea defeats current script’s purpose, it’s only intention for now is that you have an official streamer in your server, and you create a code for him so players who joins from him will get some kind of bonus.
I’ve implemented referral system today, so now it’s possible to support your streamer if he is official (has his code added by you) on your server.
Thank you for future idea.

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Sounds great, thanks