[FREE] [STANDALONE, ESX & QB] Loaf - Spike Strips V2

Link in case the video doesn’t load: YouTube.

Standalone, ESX & QBCore

The script works with ESX, QBCore, or standalone without any framework.


  • Animation and audio when laying down a spike strip
  • You can remove spike strips
  • Only the tire touching the spike strip will burst
  • Performance friendly
  • Option to burst NPC tires
  • And a lot more

Installation guide & more can be found on the GitHub page.

Download: GitHub


Sweet, thank you for saving us few bucks with this release. Godspeed, sir.


Can officer 2 pick up officers 1 spikes for say a head pop


Thank you Loaf :heart:

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Thanks for this amazing release!

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New update, 1.1.0!

Changes (standalone):

  • Menu to place & remove spike strips, can be opened via keybind & command
  • Removed /stinger command, use the menu instead
  • Performance
  • Added event “loaf_spikestrips:placeSpikestrip” which creates a spike strip
  • Added event “loaf_spikestrips:spikestripMenu” which opens the new menu
  • Re-wrote the system to check if a tyre is touching the spike strip

Changes (ESX)

  • Added the ability to spawn a spike strip via an item
  • If you remove a spike strip, you will get an item (can be disabled in the config)
  • Configurable if you want to use ESX menu system or WarMenu system for the menu

Very nice script! Thx for the free release.

Btw you should add:

local item = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(‘spikestrip’)
if item.count >= (Config.Itemlimit) then
“Some notification”
xPlayer.addInventoryItem(Config.ESXFeatures.Item, 1)

So people can’t get over the esx item limit when removing them.

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I’ve now updated the script, version 1.1.1

  • Added support for qb-core (thanks @Jay ;)#6969!)
  • Improved the animation for laying down a spikestrip
  • You will no longer receive a spike strip if your inventory is full

Does this work on AI?

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No, at the moment it doesn’t work on AI vehicles. I could add it, but I think it will be bad for performance – i could make it configurable though.

New update 1.1.2, the script now works with NPC vehicles!

Link in case the video doesn’t load: YouTube

  • Your tyres will now burst even if your vehicle is going insanely fast
  • Added “NPCVehicles” which will burst the tyres of npc vehicles if enabled (Note: performance heavy)
  • Spike strips should no longer despawn when you walk away
  • Improved the code

Download: Release v1.1.2


Have you tested this resource while using Onesync infinity?

My localhost is running OneSync and the script worked, I haven’t heard anyone have any issues with infinity. Not sure why it wouldn’t work with infinity

thanks for sharing this awesome script for free!

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I tried this script and its working just fine on my server, but when I tried to change the keybind for which the menu opens, it has changed now to “T” and doesn’t change no matter what I do. Could you help me out over here?

Go to GTA settings → keybinds → FiveM and change the loaf_spikestrips keybind. If that doesn’t work, I have no clue

That worked, thanks man appreciate it!

can you put a timer on it? example: police officers place one and after 30 seconds it automatically dissapears. just in case they forget they placed one somewhere and left

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Would it be possible for this to be updated so Standalone could use ACE Perms instead of having to manually add each person? Being able to set our leo group an aceperm for “loaf.spikestrip” allow would be MUCH easier for many of us.

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