[Free] [Release] esx_identity reskin - new desgin

Hey FiveM :snail:

This is a reskin of esx_identity. Tweaked the code to add new fields and features but i am not the original author of this script.

:bookmark: Credits:

I have no idea who the original author is but would be appreciated if someone can put his name below.


  • Server logo + small description

  • Logs to discord upon character creation

  • logs event that you can use in any script.

  • Added a nickname which logs to database name filed as it’s not being used

:wrench: How to Install

Place it in your esx folder and add start esx_identity to your cfg

:robot: Compatibility:

I only tried it with ESX LEGACY and it works just fine

:camera: Screenshots:

:arrow_down: Download:

Github (Recommended)

Direct Download (11.1 KB)

Tebex (Free)


Error in server/logs.lua - line 12

And when you create the identity, the data not go on database.

It should be fixed. Just redownload using github link.

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Hey! anychance u can note that the script only works with ESX 1.1 and essentialmode :slight_smile: ,
it uses essentialmode therefore

:robot: Compatibility:
I only tried it with ESX LEGACY and it works just fine

That claim is false :slight_smile:

Mycroft, ESX Management :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I tried it on ESX legacy and it worked and i dont really have ess mode installed at all. But i will double check and see. Thanks for letting me know.

If you look here: esx_identity/main.lua at main · mosheba1/esx_identity · GitHub

Its calling essentialmode, aswell as most of the code in that server file hasnt existed for years :slight_smile:

It doesnt matter if it does work fine with legacy. I reskined it as the original one wasnt looking to good. I didnt realloy go dibth with the code as i didnt want to rewrite the whole thing and just tweaked it

Did u test with the multicharacter? :slight_smile:

Nope its disabled. Again this is a reskin of scrpit and not a script that been wrote from scratch. So my main goal was a good design not to make it compatible with every other scripts…

its a reskin of a script from 4 years ago, ESX multicharacter is an official part of ESX Legacy.

The backend is just completely messed and literally not compatible with any esx code made within the last 2 years.
I will glady PR a fixed backend if you want, but claiming ESX 1.1 code will work straight away with legacy when its using functions that were removed years ago is just not right :slight_smile:

Again, it doesnt matter even if its 1000 years old. The idea is to reskin a script that was working perfectly on my server. So i dont need to look at code or really do anything with it except adding a nickname. Again if i did test it on esx 1.1 i would have mentioned it but i literally got my esx server few days ago.

Error was fixed

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so the commands etc work on your server?

Bro, you don’t get it, people won’t be able to use this in their legacy servers, it might work in your server but it won’t work in most legacy servers,
The entire backend of the script is using functions that haven’t existed in esx since 1.1
I will PR an updated backend for you tomorrow, but, do check what version a resource is coded for before saying :slightly_smiling_face:


Okay man just send it and i will remove this one.

No man i only tested it when joining

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jap legacy user here :smiley: . celebrate the reskin. but unfortunately not usable without a function with multichar. very bad.

Adapt it yourself

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Hi, I would be interested in your updated version since I use esx legacy. Where can I get it?