[Free] [Release] [ESX-LEGACY] esx_identity reskin

Few days ago i have posted a reskin of esx_identity which was not compatible with ESX LEGACY. So here’s this one which is compatible.

1.1 esx_identity reskined

:robot: Compatibility:


:wrench: How to Install

Place it in your esx folder and add start esx_identity to your cfg

:arrow_down: Download:

Github (Recommended)

esx_identity.rar (51.7 KB)

:camera: Screenshots:


Will you be able to change the colour theme to blue or even any other by any chance? Reason why is that my colour theme for my server is blue, like the colours in my logo you see here. Must say, this looks great!! Clean and the font is greatly chosen!
Going to test it out.


Before I download it. Is there limit for how many years can player have ? For example maximum 2021 years on birthday. Thanks for answare

yeah definitly does not work properly for esx_legacy, it prompts you to create a new character upon joining the city, as opposed to allowing you to pick your character AND THEN create a character if you so choose

So I have loaded it, and replaced my original esx_identity, and its broken. You can not add the player details such as name DOB and so forth.

Any fix for that? Also.

Hey thanks for the release, looks really nice.

Small issue. Our server uses multi-character, and this pops up every time you load in before you get to choose your character.

Normally this will only pop up when you Create a new character. I’ll have to revert back for now, but any fix for this? Would love to use it. Thanks.

@TlYPN @wayne_king u just need to comment out line 17 to 19 in client/main.lua. This is just for dev purposes and that’s what is causing ur issue.

Citizen.CreateThread(function() --dev purp



It works fine, there wasn’t any changes to the actual code and here’s a vid below.

looks good

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I think it’s a good Script that works well with the Legacy version (at least it’s the only one that hasn’t given me problems) but it has some minor problems like not being able to edit the date format (or that, or I don’t know how does and it’s my problem, I would appreciate help in that case) and also the words or titles don’t seem to be too centered…

Very Nice Script Working Perfectly With Esx Legacy. Nice Job!