[FREE] AOD_Hunting [ESX] [QBCore]

AddEventHandler('AOD-huntingbait', function()
    if not isValidZone() then
    if busy then
        TriggerServerEvent('AOD-hunt:TakeItem', 'huntingbait')
    if baitexists ~= 0 and GetGameTimer() < (baitexists + 90000) then
    baitexists = nil
    busy = true
    local player = PlayerPedId()
    TaskStartScenarioInPlace(player, 'WORLD_HUMAN_GARDENER_PLANT', 0, true)
    exports['progressBars']:startUI((15000), AOD.Strings.PlacingBait)
    baitexists = GetGameTimer()
    local baitLocation = GetEntityCoords(player)
    TriggerServerEvent('AOD-hunt:TakeItem', 'huntingbait')
--add police notification here
    busy = false

-Added option for blip to be added to track prey on minimap/map
-Added Prop when placing bait to track bait location easier
-Fixed Spawn issues where animal would get stuck and never make it to the bait.

still remains with 0.00 idle and never exceeds .01 while hunting! Happy hunting friends

I want to let you know, the script has nothing to do with. It’s not the even same. Don’t accuse people like that.

Not really so concerned about what others are doing at this point, if people wanted a qbus addition than I would just add it.

go for it and stop the guy who claims it he made he is definitely using your code and he may have made some changes about selling but most of the dev on forums are doing this making a qbus version is not that hard your script amazingly premium and great

Hey just getting some options here, what have people used to get the weapon, items and to sell?

I can look into building options into it

Ey! is it possible to add cayo perico locations??

if you write a command using this native GetZoneAtCoords and it returns a Zone name yes you can.

I tried with that [[RegisterCommand(‘zoneTest’, function()
print(1, GetZoneAtCoords(5481.48, -5832.47, 18.73))


And it gives me 1321, how can i know which zone is it?

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maybe try this instead? GetNameOfZone

It works! Thanks dude!

no problem, glad you were able to get it to work. happy hunting


I have no intentions on moving it to vrp/vrpex, however the changes required would likely be minimal since there isn’t much framework dependent stuff within.

GitHub - AgentofDeath/AOD_Hunting_QBCore for all the QBCore users

is there a way you sell what you hunt?

use market place like OKOK Marketplace

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When I kill an animal and go to butcher it, it says “what are you doing”when I pull out hunting knife

you’ve done something terribly wrong to ever make it to that point.