This is a script that contains all essential features the Police needs in a roleplay server. This is created for ND_Core and works with QB-Core and ESX as well. You can use ND_MDT, shot spotter notifications will be reported there. If you read the features and you have suggestions feel free to suggest them.
- @Linden and Overextended for creating ox_police which this was originally based on.
- @Testaross for beginning this project and contributing a lot to this and ox_police.
- @ThreeAmigosModding for converting sounds to native audio.
- @florek123 for resizing and modifying the props.
Hands up:
- Keybind that can be changed in the pause menu settings (default: X).
- Click once to put hands up.
- Hold for ~3 seconds to put hands up and kneel.
- Click once to cancel.
- search players when cuffed or hands up
- Unique zipties & cuffs props.
- Unique zipties & cuff sounds for both applying and removing them.
- Animation for normal cuffing & aggressive cuffing.
- Normal cuffing occurs when a player has their hands up standing.
- Aggressive cuffing occurs when the player has their hands up and kneeling, or when not having their hands up at all.
- Cuffs can be used when hands are not up, zipties require player to have hands up.
- Front & back cuff/ziptie animations for normal cuffing.
- Aggressive cuffing will prompt the target player with a minigame; if they complete it, they cancel the cuffing animation and can run away.
- Uncuffing requires
items, and cutting zipties requirestools
items, which is also used for hot-wiring in NDCore.
- Players can only be dragged when cuffed/ziptied.
- Person dragging will play an animation holding the player being dragged.
- Person being dragged will have their legs animated when the dragging player walks/runs.
- Uncuffing/removing zipties will release the player from being dragged.
- put player in vehicle
- Shooting will drop ammo casings on the ground around the player.
- Projectile item will be created where the bullet hits.
- Items for casing and projectile are different per ammo type.
- When the player shoots, they get GSR on them, which lasts for 15 minutes (configurable).
- If the player stays in water for 1 minute (configurable), GSR will be washed away.
- Police can test players for GSR using ox_target.
Clothing lockers:
- Lockers and locker items are created in
. - Access to a locker or each item within a locker can be set in
. - Use /getclothing (NDCore Command) to copy the clothing to the clipboard and paste in
. - When using ND_ApperanceShops the wardrobe/saved outfits will be available in the locker menu.
Police shield:
- When in inventory, the player runs slower, and the shield will be attached to the players back.
- When the item is used, the player will play animation and put the shield in front of them, protecting them from bullets.
- Ignored jobs can be set, meaning if a player has that job, they won’t trigger the shotspotter.
- Ignored weapons can be set, meaning if a player is shooting that weapon, it won’t trigger the shotspotter.
- Shotspotter will not be triggered if the player is using a suppressor.
- Shotspotters range/locations can be set in
Spike strips:
- Animations for spike strips.
- Animation for player deploying.
- If the player has one spike strip item, it will be deployed.
- If the player has more than one spike strip item, then a menu will pop up asking how many they wish to use.
- Police can impound any vehicle, and it will be deleted.
- If using NDCore police will be able to select the amount to charge for players to reclaim an impounded vehicle.
ND_Core (or esx or qb )
Other police resources
These other police related resources I created match well with this script:
Features I will add soon since people requested:
- police garages
Support discord
We also just released ND_Ambulance