Fivem Gang System (script)

Now, how do I get weapons and cars? Is there a way to not need to add a buy script?

what ?

are the blips server sided ?

Actually iā€™m having a weird issue after deploying to my public server.
After creating the first gang everyone is able to open the gang menu and see eachother in the map.
Not just gang members. everybody! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

in config.lua do not change bellow line :

Config.IdentifiersPlayerWith   = 'steam:'

( donot add your steam hex afther steam: )

Wow It works and itā€™s amazing :star_struck:
I canā€™t believe youā€™ve shared it with us free!!

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Really? iā€™m retarded.

i am sorry for bad comment for this line in config

the comment modified to :

Config.IdentifiersPlayerWith   = 'steam' -- player Identifier that save in DataBase like [ steam - license - xbl - live - discord - fivem ]
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Just tested yesterday, itā€™s a really nice script well done @yeganehha
For those with problems
There is 2 cores already done
For esx and qbus files.
Just change the one you are using in the resource.lua
And read the read.txt to add the admins insert sql. Itā€™s really easy

@yeganehha I have sent you a dm for a request.

Also will get home and do a locale for Portuguese/Brazilian and share it here.

Ideas you could implement.

Add more than one base for gangs including blips on map.

Add permissions to use heli or boat depending on rank. This could be done if you did heli garage and boat separately. I think.

Add permissions to save vehicles but not to take them out. So lower rank members can steal cars and save them for the gang.

Also when search players you could make it to send a message to the player being robbed. Saying you are being robbed. And to not abuse that allow only a quantity to be taken. And not everything to make it fair.

For the action menu you could make it if player have item in inventory then cuff.
If player have lockpick you can open doors. Etc. Just to be more immersive. But i guess thatā€™s up to the framework you use.

But seriously well done . I would have paid for this script. Thank you for sharing it for free. :heart:
Can wait for more updates.

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hello man
thank you for good ideas :slight_smile:

all you say is good and i bookmark your comment to add in next update.

for add locale, if you have github , you can send pull request to add by copy right but if you dont have github please send me to share on github
thank you

Has anyone got this working as standalone? As in not with ESX or QBus. Iā€™m just running a FiveM server with FivePD and I gather itā€™s getting the correct scripting in the BaseFunction.lua.

My database name is gangs, itā€™s connected to MySQL Async through the server.cfg with:
set mysql_connection_string ā€œuser=root;database=gangsā€

I gather that I need to call on the correct DB from the BaseFuction file specifically by adding my own config for:
function selectFromDB(query , params)
ā€“ for get data from your database
ā€“ for example:
return MySQL.Sync.fetchAll(query, params )


function executeOnDB(query , params , cb)
ā€“ for execute query on your database
ā€“ for example:
MySQL.Async.execute(query, params , function(e) cb(e) end)

This is the problem I donā€™t know what I need in here. As is it just returns errors when I try to call up the /gangs command

The basefunction is not to be used. Unless you code. Lets say you want the script to work for vrp you have that file as base to start. This man @yeganehha was very generous to even share that.

Also why are you connecting your mysql to a database called gangs? You need to create a database use heidi or myphadmin and inside that database you import the sql file. Thats it.

Also you need to read the read.txt there is a code there to insert in your server.cfg so that admins have the command to open the menu. . Only admins can open the menu.

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Hey could you help me to make it all cars can be saved npc and spawnable cars and not only the ones you buy?

@outsider310 Thank you for your very unhelpful response. Firstly I have not at any point criticised @yeganehha so why did you feel the need to add about how generous he was unless you are trying to score brownie points?

The script is listed as a standalone script, so if it is standalone then all I want to know is will it work with what I have described.

Why am I connecting it to the database? Because my simple friend how else will it gain access to the database unless it has a connection? I already created a database with phpMyAdmin (not myphpadmin) and imported the sql file, how else do you think I have the database called gangs in the first place?

I have also read all of the documentation provided and provided the required ace permissions to allow me to open the menu.

So perhaps you should take a step away if you cannot be helpful and instead want to try and attack me to suck up to others.

where was criticizing you? how am I attacking you? :rofl: I was simply trying to help.
brownie points? I was just saying it is not usual for devs to give a starting base for people to add it to their frameworks so yeah he was very kind to provide that.
you need to take your pillsā€¦

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I have Vmenu and was wondering if there is a way to save cars and weapons from it to the gangs?

you canā€™t. Iā€™m trying to ask the dev if he can help and tell me how to make all cars saving.

pt.lua (10.6 KB) hey here is the translation for portuguese and brazillian.

in your base function lua file find isOwnedvehicle function and change to :

function isOwnedvehicle(source , vehicleProps)
	return true

now, you can save all cars

hi man
i call this stand a lone because you can add this to all core of fivem servers like ESX, QBus or VRP or any thing elseā€¦
but when this script want to connect to DB or want to get player inventory, Do you have a better one than a converter file ?

i developed any thing you think out fivem, What do you think a bout windows drivers ? windows drivers like my BaseFunction.lua file, if your keyboard is not stand a lone from your pc. you say correctly and this script is not stand a lone

and the end, no body , no need to attack you ,

thanks @outsider310 for helpings other in this forum :+1:

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