Fivem Gang System (script)

this bug is under developing and its solved in next update

  1. be sure the script name is gang
  2. add bellow line to server.cfg:
add_principal identifier.steam:xxxxxxxxxx group.gangManager
add_ace resource.gang command.add_ace allow

change xxxxxxxxxx to your steam hex to access manage gangs
3. if it is’t fix, send me screen shot of our server.cfg

are you add expired day for gang ?

grade boss is 0

Yeah so boss is 0
but blips and cords wasnt showing up

when went /t gangs come up but gang didnt and coulnt get gang memu to come up

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please send me anydesk id in private message, then i check gang system on your vps

Thanks check

Please can check dm sent you -'Anydesk idea

i have sent u dm turn pc on wailting for you

the same here :frowning:

Dude!!! What an incredible script. Really enjoyed reading the code and way more adding it to my server.
I just created the spanish locale. Will share it for the spaniards.

Just one question. What about the helicopters? Ther is no impound for them right? Shall i add it manually via DB?

Keep up this great work @yeganehha it’s just awesome. Thatnk you very much for your work.

As constructive input:

  • Found you can drag people, but can’'t stop dragging.
  • Also, using “search” menu, you can only steal weapons, not items. (intentionally o a bug?)

Thank you!

hello brother (@JapanxX )
Thank you very much
your comment makes my day :slight_smile:

for helicopter you can add to gang garage from vehicle impound ( like add vehicle to gang garage ). also you can change coords for helicopter from config.lua

for stoping drag some time make error , i redevelop that but now you can insert player in vehicle and put out him for disable drag

for steal , its bug on your server , check server console log and client log for error in base Function file and send me dm to check the error

at the end
if you send me spanish locale or send pull request on github, You helped a lot

Wonderful @ yeganehha
I really appreciate your help.

  • Related to helicopters, done!!!
  • Related to drag, putting into vehicle, its a solution. I tried to figure out how to stop dragging looking at the policejob script procedure, with no luck. If you can take a look, would be great.
  • Finally related to the steal procedure, correct. i’ts an issue on my side. Not really a bug, just a problem with ESX version. i would say canCarryItem is a 1.2 function (i’m1.1). I will have to figure out how to make it another way.

Please find the spanish locale, (11.5 KB)

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for canCarryItem just add

	self.canCarryItem = function(name, count)
		return true

to es_extended\server\classes\player.lua

for drag is under test
thanks for es.lua


It works like a charm. Just brilliant. Sending DM.

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What about store and buy? fix

I can not get this to work. What ever i try i can not get persmisson to use /gangs.

Mix, what is your issue?
Did you modify your permissions at server settings file?
Also, did you add your steam identifier into config file?

Are you using ESX or Qbus, right?

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Yes, would close the perfection circle with the weapons store for the gang/mafia and with the getting other players ID, like policejob.
Other than that, this script is excellent by far.

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I fixed it. I have missed that I need a steam api key.