Fivem Gang System (script)

gg nice script gang

Hi, i have two problems, i can’t store any vehicle in garage, the line is still in grey, and i have no errors (even in f8 or in server console).

Also, i would like to get gangs in Job2, how can i do ?

Thank you for your work

Nice :slight_smile:
use it :

local statusjoin = true
AddEventHandler("playerSpawned", function()
	if statusjoin then
		statusjoin = false

Where should i use it ?

This is for refrsh gang when player joining to server !

When I type /gangs it says invalid permission, even when i typed right steam hex id

I need instructions on how to do this step \
" Sync BaseFunction.lua with your core (If your core is not ESX or ■■■■) "

when i invite a player ,say the system incorrect gamer player id …has anyone the problem ?

hey there, if I use /gangs it says “invalid permission” even I changed my steam id. Does anybody know how to fix this?

I have an issue where the player has a 2nd character it shows the gang on their 2nd character. How do I make it where it doesn’t transfer to the other.

Hey @yeganehha . Can help me?

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Brauche Hilfe bei mir steht immer wirklich immer Invalid Permission hatte auch schon ein ähnliches script und da stand das Selbe. Ich benutze Qbcore.

Schonmal danke im Voraus

LG. Lucas

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If you’re using Kashacters, you need to make sure you add the following to the server/main.lua of Kashacters {table = "gangs_member", column = "playerIdentifiers"}

Been a while anyone that has an solution for this?
(Look at what I replied to)

This Script is unsecure
Modder use this to Spam the database need help for fix this

it says invalid permission :frowning: i put in the steam fivem hex was that right?

It does work. When you create the gang it gets created by default with one range, boss. You go and set their points for inventory, clothing and boss (and garages, of course). If you are not a part of that gang, you won´t see anything.

What I do is that I create a gang and set all the points first. Then, to make sure I got them right, I assign myself to that gang as a boss, and check it all up. Don´t forget to enable the blip though, and fear not, only members of that gang will be able to see the blip.

when i load up my ser and type /gangs , i get a invalid permissions message. anyone know how to fix this?

sorry for the late reply… i did this and it still shows on my other character