A Crucial Security Alert!
Recently, a surge in malicious code attacks, particularly involving ‘cipher’, has been observed. These nefarious codes have a tendency to extract your server’s rcon password, transmitting it externally, putting your server’s integrity at significant risk.
Introducing Your Guardian File!
I’m thrilled to present a unique file tailored for your protection on the FiveM platform. It’s features?
Comprehensive Anti-Cipher Protection
Security against function overwrites like GetConvar, print via the function override feature.
Control code lines with the json.encode method.
Your Shield Against Rcon Breaches
With this, malicious files attempting to extract rcon passwords or server names via GetConvar are thwarted. For your convenience, webhook notifications are enabled for swift threat alerts!
In essence, consider this file a pivotal fortress safeguarding your server. Dive in, review, and bolster your defenses!
Remember: Prioritize initiating this script before other files. Starting it later also works, but sequence is paramount for smooth operations
Soon, I will make an update that will block access to your information by obscure files encrypted and licensed with obfuscator. Except for Escrow, I do not support such applications and I am working on this issue.
No, GetConvar… with natives (server_hostname, rcon and so on) is an abbreviation for data, I’m just scanning files and allowing you to capture data fields except for necessary things like monitor
By pulling your ip address from sites like PerformHttpRequest, you can also detect files that use licenses, and now I have allowed you to see completely inside that line of code, I hope your servers will not be damaged thanks to these processes.
Hello my friend, the word https:// is already in the filter, so you can see everything that sends requests, these are usually either licenses or addresses used by attackers. or PerformHttpRequest
Hi. I am using your modification to detect antibackdoor and apparently it found something in my server. Can you please explain how to understand this message? Or what path it found this crap on.