Female & Male Body Remastered

Small Update 3/21/23

  • White Male Nipple color is fixed, darker and abit more color to make them stand out.

Why female face changed when in my server?


Prompt for this error~

He doesn’t work and can’t enter the game~

That is a strange error you are getting. especially now after the mod has been compressed to DXT5 texture instead of the much larger BC7. I PM’d you to try and help you out. But you can also message me on discord if that is easier for you. Make sure you are not editing the escrowed resource, even just renaming can cause issues.

can you fix this ?


You are not using the correct uppr (hands) for that vanilla shirt.
You have to use hands 0 instead of 15 with that shirt.
You still have to select the correct uppr to go with different clothing items, just like vanilla.

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Good evening !

I come to you because I have a problem with the remastered. When I set it up on my fivem server, the faces are not displayed, is that normal?

Hello Catblacks!
Are you by chance running a clothing pack that might also contain head ydd’s with the following names? “mp_f_freemode_01^head_000_r.ydd” through 045.
or “mp_f_freemode_01^head_diff_000_a_whi.ytd” through 045 ytd files.

yes, I think I removed everything and checked. I can not understand.

Could this be from caches on my server?
Because I also find that the skin of the rest of my character’s body is more grainy than in your photos which are totally smooth.

Sorry for my english which is really bad.

It could be your server cache or your fivem cache client side. What character appearance script are you using to handle clothing stores and tattos etc.?

My characters skin is also very slightly grainy in game when I look real real close, but that actually seems to be the game engine. And when I enable my ENB and Reshade it actually makes it even more grainy lol.

And no problem lol, your english is fine!

Hello, so I don’t really know what I’m using, since it’s not me who configures the server. But we are under Qbcore and have a basic interface. Then why in the fx manifest it is called assetpack in dependencies?

Here’s what we use for character creation. GitHub - iLLeniumStudios/illenium-appearance: fivem-appearance for qb-core and ESX framework, packed with a lot of features

The fxmanifest and all the other resource files should not be edited, the dependencies assetpack line is added by cfx because it is an escrowed resource.

I use fivem-appearance for my character script. But installed illenium about a week ago because another customer was using it and having issues. (New eyes texture was not working) but it worked fine when I tried illenium.

We removed everything, clothing pack everything and unfortunately it doesn’t work. Everything works fine, even the eyes and makeup, but not the faces. I still have the same problem as the picture above. I’ve been looking for body and face texture for weeks and I wish it would work, I’m starting to despair. ='(

I would try making a new female character and seeing if the issue persists, if it does not then your database information associated with your character may be corrupted.

I would try the above first since its a quick option. Then I would remove but backup your illenium-appearance script. Then try “fivem-appearance” or even “qb-clothing” to see if that fixes it. The only time players have messaged me with issues involving textures not loading has been illeniums-appearance related so far.

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Just putting this here because some users have broken their resource by attempting to edit it.

Hello have you tried? Because even going through Five appearance it does not work.

Yeah its working on my local fivem-appearance server, and it’s working on a illenium-apperance server. I am going to PM you.

Thank you for the help you have given us! This actually did not come from your Body remasters!!! Thank you again, I recommend this remastered his work is execptionnel thank you again !!!

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We just wanna say thanks you for all the help and time you spend for us ! your mods is actually crazy and the issues was from our base . Now it work sooo good <3

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