Female & Male Body Remastered

I’m really glad that we were able to fix the issues with your server! It was a awesome meeting you guys. :heart_hands:


problem with Chain ( addon )
All Hands have this problem ( Female ) - without pack no problem

i contact you in DC

**** Fixed → Great Support and fast =) Thanks for Helping ****

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Loving the look and works great with illenium-apperance , my only suggestion would be to add abs to at least male bodys or an option to change the way you want your characters body to look weather it be full figure, athletic, over weight, etc.


how does one install, i’ve bought the new and older kinda one “xTxVxTx_Female_Textures_Client” (client side) and now the Female & Male Body R idk how to install

I cannot seem to get this to launch in my server… Do I have to edit the names of some of these files?

  • paid on tebex and downloaded from keymaster

  • QBCore latest version (using qb-multicharacter)

  • placed into “resources” folder (no subfolders)

  • “ensure xtxvxtx_female_male_body_remastered”

  • throws error message in console
    “[ citizen-server-impl] You lack the required entitlement to use xtxvxtx_female_male_body_remastered.”
    “[ citzen-server-impl] Couldn’t start resource xtxvxtx_female_male_body_remastered.”

  • i am not subscribed to any patreon anywhere.

Hello CRAYZ33T, After some googling I have found that most people that see that error have some issue going on with their server license key being different or not attached to their cfx account.

Every step for install that you listed is perfect and should of resulted in a good start, but I am also confused why it will not start for you. Can you send me a DM on discord and we can see about how to get it working for you?

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I bought the package and want to rename them so I can put them on my server. Why cant i open ydd in ОpenV how to view the bodies…

Hello @Doktora, Thank you for your purchase! This is a escrowed resource through Tebex.
Tebex Escrowed Resources FAQ’s.
So files like ydd’s, ytd’s, and ydr’s are locked and not able to be edited.
I also do not think you can rename escrowed resources, it will probably break the ownership verification.

In that case I can’t use them on my server and I want a refund

I went ahead and began the refund process for you @Doktora on Tebex. It’ll probably take a few business days for you to see it and for the resource access to be revoked.

thank you

@xTxVxTx Can you accept me on Discord? I have very important question.

Friend request accepted! @Pan_Marcin

can this work on SP female skin?

Unfortunately no, it’s currently just for FiveM.

Will women one day finally be able to have abs? I’ve seen so many mods giving men these amazing 6-packs, but what about us women :smiling_face_with_tear: some of us like to bulk up too! LOL

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A perfect idea, I’ll work on that!

Hi :wave:

Good job for the reskin
How do you get chest hair please ?

Thank you! The chest hair option should be under the skin blemishes section. And it’s actually called the chest hair.


Yes in my character creation, I saw it but it does not change
I don’t see texture with hairs in YTD files

Is there something to do ?

Ty :slightly_smiling_face: