[Extension] FiveM Resource Manager

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This is a small Visual Studio Code Extension that add a resource tab to your sidebar. You can easily restart any resource on your server and set favorites based on RCON technology.




  • Resources Tab (See every resource on your server)
  • Saved Connection (Configure and use forever)
  • Set Favorites (To find resources faster)
  • Three Filter Types:
    • Alphabetic
    • Length
    • None

:bar_chart: VSCode Marketplace
:wrench: GitHub Repository (Feel free to open a Pull Request)

Other tools:

[PACK] FiveM Development
Auto Update FiveM Artifact

:open_file_folder:Feel free to make any suggestions here


another fantastic vscode script

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Thank you💖

I miss rcon

Are you trying to install it manually?
Then you have to build the dependencies via npm i or npm install.

:loudspeaker: Update 1.0.1

  • Fixed getStarted Button

Problem with this extension? Open a issue on GitHub

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This doesn’t seem to restart the resources locally. Also, is there a way to automatically restart them when saving files?


please create an issue ticket on GitHub for your problem with more Information.

Not in this extension but in my extension pack: [PACK] FiveM Development

Which extension specifically provides the automatic restart of resources? Also, I’m a bit confused as to the point of the bridge extension. The description doesn’t really say what it does.

It’s the FiveM DevBridge by ZerX (FiveM DevBridge - Visual Studio Marketplace). This adds a button in your right bottom bar.
Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-27 um 09.38.42
Click on this button and enter your RCON Password. Now it will restart (refresh;ensure xy) the script via rcon when saving a file with STRG + S.
Open the complete folder of the script as workspace, the extension will take the workspace name as restart name

Does this also upload the file to the server or should I keep my FTP auto uploader on?

No, there is no FTP or SFTP client included. But remember that you have to load the entire script folder as a workspace. There is a remote extension (SFTP) from Microsoft for this.

An unknown error occurred. Please consult the log for more details.

What i can do ?

Open an issue on GitHub (Issues · Tuncion/vscode-fivem-resource-manager · GitHub) with more Info, repro steps etc.