[ESX/QB] Viority Marry - Getting married on FiveM

Viority Marry - Getting married on FiveM

This script is a captivating addition to your server, allowing players to get married, complete with animations, a limousine, fireworks, and a shared last name for a truly immersive experience.

:eyes: Showcase

Youtube Youtube Showcase
:gear:Config Preview

Viority Marry

Marry Interaction:
Viority Marry

Marry description:
Viority Marry

Marry people:

Marry request:

Marry waiting:
FiveM Marry

Marry proposal:

With custom marry animation, see Youtube Showcase.

đź’ˇ Features
  • The ability to create your own animation!
  • The ability to view player cards with detailed information in a specific area exclusively for marriage candidates.
  • Adjust the marriage fee to suit your server’s economy and balance.
  • Choose a surname for the married couple, adding a personal touch to their union.
  • Select and add multiple customizable marriage locations.
  • Send a custom message during the marriage ceremony.
  • Fully customize the marriage animation, including fireworks, pedestrians, vehicles (with license plate details), and coordinates.
  • Custom Locales for two languages.
  • Notifications that can be individually changed.


  • English
  • German / Deutsch
  • You can create custom locales
đź“Š Resmon (Performance)
Context CPU
Idle 0.00 ms
Peak 0.03 ms

* We guarantee the careful declaration of the performance, because it is essential for servers to have this information.
In case the performance is not as specified, better or worse, please contact us.

⚙️ Requirements
  • es_extended 1.1 / 1.2 / Legacy
  • QBCore


Buy it Escrow

The script uses the official FiveM escrow system

:shopping_cart:My other resources

Viority Cardealer Viority Register Viority Advanced Menu
Viority Garage Viority Playtimerewards Viority Billingmenu
Viority Marry Dream Market Stalls Dream Smoking
Auto Update FiveM Artifact FiveM Development Pack FiveM Resource Manager
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +4000
Requirements es_extended 1.1 / 1.2 / Legacy or QBCore
Support Yes via Support Ticketđź‘Ś

I am curious about this script!

Few things:

  • Can you skip the video and cutscenes etc?
  • Are the cutscenes able to be /record 'd ? (Using Rockstar editor?)
  • Can other people see you during the cutscene?
  • Does this script alter the database table and adjust the players last names automatically?

First of all, thank you for your interest. I will try to answer your questions as good as possible:

  • At the moment it’s not possible to skip the cutscene or something like that, of course it’s customizable in the config but omitting it completely is not possible.
  • I have to tell you honestly I have not tested this yet, but since it happens correctly in GTA with cameras and the car is also spawned correctly I see no problem there.
  • No, other players can not see the cutscene, the two players are in a separate dimension.
  • Yes you can choose the preferred surname and this will be adjusted after the cutscene in the database.

You can of course add your missing features as a suggestion on our discord, so we can implement it in the next update.

Greetings :ok_hand:

So it does adjust in the DB!? Perrrrfect! :open_mouth:

Are there webhooks? Sorry to bother xD

Hello @sliceofliferp,
No problem for the questions, that’s what we are here for :wink:

Currently there are no webhooks, but that’s a good idea, feel free to post that as a suggestion on our Discord so we can include it in the next update.
You can also look here at the current config in advance:

I have realized now that this is for ESX. There was nothing saying this, so i’d suggest updating your post. :frowning:

It is written under requirements. Whats your framework? We are planning to offer QBCore soon, maybe that will solve your problem.


1 Like

:loudspeaker: Update 1.0.3

  • Added ViorityCore.GiveCredits to ViorityCore
  • Added Source Check to Internal Framework

:loudspeaker: Update 1.0.4

  • Added Webhooks (Request, Completed)

:jack_o_lantern:Halloween Sale :jack_o_lantern:


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:loudspeaker: A QBCore compatibility will be available in the next days (So the script is for ESX and QBCore at the same time)

:loudspeaker: Update 1.0.5 BETA

  • Added a bridge system to support ESX and QBCore.
  • Improved the compatibility for the animation.

Please remember that this is a BETA release!

:loudspeaker: Update 1.0.6

  • Fixed getPlayerFromId for older QBCore versions.

Thank you for testing the BETA QBCore bridge!

:loudspeaker: Update 1.0.7

  • Changed QBCore Bridge from license to citizenid.