it will possibly do what you are intending to do
how did u fix it mate?x
how exactly does this script reset? After someone robs the script resets but the door stays unlocked with the hole in the door that the previous thermal charge made.
just figured it out. My bad
what did you do to fix that?
what about Gold Bar and Diamond Box , where can i sell them ?
You have too fix that yourself.
Fix ? It’s not an issue. You got the decide what you do with them.
I mean he has too find a way too do that by him self.
can i sell it to Laster
yes you can, i sell it to Lester (esx_vangelico_robbery)
i reccomend getting esx pawnshop works great and allows cops to after a robbery stakeout the location
how can i make that ?
Since mythic_notify is pulled by the author, I uploaded pNotify version of it in Github.
Hi, I’ve got the same problem, stuck on the same spot, and I do have the message saying ‘‘No such export SendAlert’’ and so on… but I don’t quite understand where I can fix this issue.
if you have mythic_notify then in client.lua change every “SendAlert” to “DoHudText”
Client folder -> Main.lua?
No, its in my script
when i see other player plant thermal charge , they don’t do animation but bag follows his body ,
then if you run and press E to hack will get same problem