[ESX, vRP] Extra Detailed Pacific Standard Bank Heist

mythic_notify definitely, You may need to change “SendAlert” 's to “DoHudText” or check file name if it’s “mythic_notify”, also check f8 console if you have an alert saying no such export SendAlert then it’s mythic_notify

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Everything works fine, the code is clean and professionally written, thank you for spending your time expanding resource libraries.

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Brilliant! Thanks for sharing

i fixed it , my issue it was mythic_notify :innocent: and it fixed now … thanks man for this Brilliant script

Maybe add a police online check because at the moment you don’t need police to be online to be able to rob the bank. :slight_smile:

that would be amazing , can someone do it for us pls

Simply goto server.lua and look for
local mincops = 0
Change to a number of cops…
local mincops = 5

I seem to get this, none are duplicates to anything in my server though

Maybe check server.lua ??? its already there

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so what do we do with the gold bars? this is so fun!!! i love your warehouse also

this script not working on old es_extended only work on new es_extended

i’m use old es_extended and have error attempt to index a nil value (field ‘job’)

only work when restart in console F8 utk_ornateheist and it’s working.

btw, thank you for amazing script.

I found a bug, when I was taking money when the time was over, the animation stopped, but not with the synchronization, so that when the synchronization stopped, the player will move to the location of the table at client.lua line: 922
" NewTrolley = CreateObject(emptyobj, GetEntityCoords(Trolley) + vector3(0.0, 0.0, - 0.985), true, false, false) "

I tried to fix this by making the synchronization stop, but I was not successful, I hope you fix it.

That happens when resetting is activated, you shouldn’t be there when gas is over and door is locked

yea i know but if someone using medikit for healing and tried to take more the money or they don’t know about this or make this for bug abuse for escape the police, i think you need to stop the sync after door closed or before resseting and then the player will stay on the bank with door closed, so the police easy to arrest the player :wink:


I confirm!

Just make gas damage higher, if they have an item that instantly refills their health with no cooldown or no animation time then it’s your problem.

To change gas damage: client.lua/line:1506 ApplyDamageToPed() number is the dmg and it happens twice each second

if more damage is added they will not be able to take the money, very quickly they will die while taking it, and I try to get out first and wait for the smoke to disappear, then go in and take the item, when time runs out the door closes and we run get out the bank, then when the sync taking money was done they will teleport to the coordinates of the table like what i say before , to many tricks to get this bug, i think the best solution is to stop syncing before resetting, and make commands for stop the animation and sync if they taking the money so they can run easly.

the bug is just sync the player to the money table, i can release the animations and run when taking the money, but after sync was done i will teleported back to the table

This is a amazing script bro i would love to see the ability to use gas masks for the gas tho

i recorded a run of silent and non silent use it if you want :slight_smile:

Okay, then you should lower the reset timer so they will have no chance to get back in and grab more money, trolley will delete instantly.

To do that: client.lua/line: 1516 after “if UTK.begingas then” lower the Citizen.Wait(60000) value to something like 10000
But then you need to add a new Citizen.Wait() to line 1531 above “UTK.stage2break”, the value you put must be 60000 - (previous amount you changed above), so it will match

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nice idea okay i will try it, but what will happen if i try use NetworkStopSynchronisedScene() on reset :thinking: