That is OneScync problem unfortunetaly, or directly FiveM or something else. That scene is just doesn’t work properly to others.
whenever I click on LOUD heist my character puts a thermal bomb on that door but no smoke and then it bugne and I can’t move. Don’t know what to do with it?
If it is not too much to ask, could you add a config to change what gives you black money instead of normal money? and a query where gold and diamonds would be sold? Very good script, congratulations
You already have to option for black money. Check the code.
When I have time I will create a small script to sell golds and diamonds for those who want to use.
The police recives any notification, blip or signal when the heist is happening?
Great job with this man!
Yes police do receive notification and blip.
Nice to know that!
will be testing this later!
i have some ideas for this! xD
It would be good when you have time to add the option of translations through “locales” in this way the community can help you by placing it in several languages. I could contribute with Spanish.
Yeah, good idea. Will do soon!
I could contribute with the portuguese for the translation!
where to sell goldbar??
Very good script.I love it,but i can’t find mythic notification!
Hm, when I try to join my server it just says ‘’ data_file entry count mismatch in resource utk_ornateprops ‘’
Same trouble
You could edit Lester that is included in “esx_vangelico_robbery” or you could create your own store to sell gold and diamonds
or even using those items for example, gold, smelt it, and use it for other stuff for example explosives for the attack on the power plant! you can connect so much stuff to this!
vRP version is ready!!! Thanks to AceDax and BradXY