[ESX][RELEASE] Bixbi Tracker + Police Tagging System (Blips)


The Tagging

Using the tracker tag you’re able to punish criminals in a different way than just sending them to jail. For as long as they have the tag in their inventory they will be tracked by the government (jobs defined in the config).

The Tracker

The ultimate purpose of the tracker is to connect groups of players together. Be it criminal, government or otherwise. Using the item the player is able to join, create or delete their group.

Group names can be reserved for jobs, for e.g. there may be a gang on your server called Lost MC. Using the config you can set this as a “reserved” gang, meaning that these gang members (based on their ESX Job) can only join one group - lostmc, and also means that people who are not part of the job are unable to join. Furthermore, using the config you can set “parent” group names. This is useful for the emergency services, for example having the Police and the Ambulance (medics) assigned to the parent “emergency”, like so:

So long as the player has the tracker item in their inventory they will continue to see all the other members of their group. If however, they drop the tracker or lose it by being stolen / death they will be removed from the group after a set period of time (by default 30 seconds).

Current Features
  • Job restriction.
  • Group Name restriction.
  • Blip colour based on job.
    • Or user selection.
  • Blip colour based on selection.
  • Item Checking - making sure you still have the item to see the groups.
  • ESX Based Interaction Menu.
  • Blip by Character Names. And have the tag reason (if player is tagged).
  • Admin Command.
  • Group: join, leave and disband.
  • Notification messages.
    • Currently supports ESX and T-Notify.
Coming Soon / Future Ideas
  • Police Electronic Tagging System (update) - DONE


Click Here to buy the script / view the store.
Click Here to get the script for free.
Feel free to message me about any further questions.

Note: the UI is just ESX, but edited. Your menus may look different.

My Other Releases

Dispatch - FiveM Post
Tracker - FiveM Post
Prison - FiveM Post
Zipties - FiveM Post
Territories - FiveM Post
Illegal Sales - FiveM Post
Billing - FiveM Post
Gather - FiveM Post
Hospital TP - FiveM Post

More: GitHub List


Oh thats amazing!!!

1 Like

I need to see the video you uploaded because I don’t understand.

Sure, making it as we speak :slight_smile: i’m not the fastest at video editing

EDIT: https://youtu.be/PWUNOfF1U3o

Great work, Very well optimised and easy to use GUI… well done… defo must have!

Perfect for use in policing communities etc. Well optimised. Good work.

Very useful! This script is crypted or ip locked/tebex code?

Server side is XOR encrypted. Other than that no. It may be something I do eventually. But not at this current time.

Hi!Is it working with ESX 1.1.0?

Hello Sugee, I’m honestly not sure. If you buy it and it doesn’t work, I can work out a fix for you.

EDIT - It does.

Added in “Police” tagging. Police (or other jobs defined in the config) are able to “tag” another player so that they appear in the map one-way.

Updated video, the new stuff is shown at 1:10.

Hey! :smiley:
Nice release but can i make a remake of menu and reupload?

Kind regards

Huh? I don’t understand what you mean?

Criminal Tagger hacking coming soon!

Is there a way to somehow use this for vehicle tagging?

Hey, not currently. It’s something I debated doing in the past. I might revisit the idea, but not anytime soon as I’m busy with irl work.

No worries, thanks for the quick response!

So this can be used for police to track people like a ankle monitor if we wanted to release somebody on bond right… If so will it still be tracking them if they leave the server and come back

Yes. You can get this for free now if you visit my github.

when i use the tag system for police the criminals arent showing up as a blip on the map is there something i need to do to set this up