🔑 [ESX][QBCore] Vehicles Keys - Vehicles lock, remote control UI and much more

Disabling the hotwire from Vehicles Keys script, will remove the “press H to hotwire” part to start a vehicle which is not your one, but as in normal GTA 5, the player will do the animation to start the vehicle

im having the same problem did yall every get it?

nope, the issue still exists… im using another key system now…

The hotwire animation comes from GTA 5, not from my script :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

the issue only exists with your script… every other key script working without this animation.

but it’s not your script, I know


So GTA 5 doesn’t have that animation when stealing vehicles? I’m just trying to understand where the issue is in your opinion

The “is hotwire enabled” option is just to enable or disable that the script asks “press H to hotwire”, removing it will make the player to do the few seconds animation as in normal GTA 5 happens

Update 1.10

  • Now when “is hotwire required” option is disabled, the player will immediately turn on the engine, without doing the default short GTA 5 animation to hotwire
  • After shutting down the vehicle engine (default G key), if the player tries to go move the vehicle, there will be a tip suggesting him to start the engine first


When I give a player a key from my vehicle, I want the key to stay with the player when they log out and log in or the server restarts.

In short: Shared key copies should be permanent (possibly an option to choose whether permanent or temporary).


Hello Jaksam,

my question
can you create your export function that enables the vehicle to be unlocked because vehicles cannot be unlocked via external functions?

We think you don’t understand this only occurs with your key script no other key script hopefully in the next update it will be fixed and also the lock picking does not work for anything we definitely need lot picking working for missions and heist we also need it so when you point a gun at a ped in a car it will scare them and Rob them out of the car like normal it’s too easy to break in a car and steal it also he was right your key system is the only key system with the animation turned off still do it other than that it’s a beautiful script love it couple hookups but I think you will work it out with the updates people get stuck in their car cannot move or get out unless they repeatedly hit x and the passengers have to get out that something else but good job good work

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Did you try the latest update? @XxJOK3RxX

when was it released ?

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when was it released

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When I wrote that message, 4 days ago

lol .yeah its a great key scripts one of my favs hands down you did a great job i know more up dates to come… the only thing that bothers me it when we get stuck in the car and cant move you just keep hitting x till your free ones thats fix shizz you got the best one out there

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I’m not sure if getting stuck is related to my script honestly, it never happened to me and I don’t think there are reports about this situation, is there anything in particular which I can do to make it happen?

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Update 1.11

  • For newer ESX versions, the script will automatically use the export instead of the trigger event
  • Now it’s possible to change the refresh shared object seconds time in sh_integrations.lua
  • Now it’s possible to disable the refresh shared object each X seconds in sh_integrations.lua

It would be SICK to add the feature to roll your windows up / down

There is a open source code for this, it wouldn’t take much time for you.

Also approved by Shiro ;3

Praying for this to be implemented

Update 2.0

  • Added Polish language
  • Added feature which allows players to sell vehicles to each other (with item: vehicle_transfer_contract)
  • Added the possibility to permanently share vehicles keys to other players, so they’ll have the keys also after server restart
  • Added lockpick minigame (check installation tutorial in documentation)
  • Added probability of success for hotwire (so players can also “fail” the hotwire if you want)