[ESX/QB] Zombies Project

Hello everybody. I want to release this script as free for people who likes zombies. It is OPEN SOURCE, so you can edit the code.

Keep it as a community project, so everybody can share their own improvements for this script and make it better.

I hope yall enjoy it. :slight_smile:



:beginner: DOWNLOAD HERE


  1. xsound | DOWNLOAD HERE


:calendar: BUILD 1.0.0 | 01/02/2025

  • Dynamic Zombie Spawning: Zombies appear only in designated red zones and at randomized coordinates around the player, ensuring unpredictable encounters.
  • Safe Zones: Certain areas cause zombies to vanish immediately, providing the player with safe havens.
  • Multiple Zombie Types: Different categories of zombies (normal, fast, tank) each with their own models, speeds, damage outputs, and unique movement clipsets.
  • Day/Night Behavior: Zombies have varying vision ranges depending on the time of day, making nighttime encounters potentially more challenging.
  • Noise-Based Detection: Zombies react to sounds like footsteps, vehicle noise, collisions, and horns. Loud activities attract them, prompting pursuit.
  • Player Pursuit Logic: Zombies dynamically chase the player if they see or hear them. They adapt their movement speed depending on whether the player is sprinting or within close range.
  • Vehicle Interactions: Zombies attack and damage vehicles, can attempt to pull the player out of their car, and push vehicles slightly off course.
  • Ragdoll Effects: When attacked at close range or during certain conditions, zombies can force the player into a ragdoll state.
  • Lootable Corpses: Once a zombie is killed, the player can loot it for randomly chosen items, with probability-based chances for different item drops.
  • 3D Sounds: Zombies emit sounds that follow their position, adding to the immersive atmosphere.
  • Blip Indicators: Optional blip markers on the map for zombies, red zones, and safe zones, aiding navigation and strategy.
  • Configurable Settings: Many aspects are configurable (spawn radius, loot items, vision distance, noise thresholds), allowing for a highly customizable experience.

MY SCRIPTS :balloon:





[ESX/QB] 3D HUD | $9.99

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600
Requirements xsound
Support Yes

is the zombie client or server side sync?

Hello, iCE333. It is synced by CreatePed. Last time I used it and it worked well.

There is absolutely no security for zombies:giveLoot. As a bare minimum, you could at least check the distance between the player and the entity they are looting. With how it’s currently written, I could obtain infinite loot and there is no check that I’m even looting a valid entity.

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finally a synced zombie script

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I’ll take a look into it later. Thank you, boppe.

I mean its an open source project, instead of complaining your could just PR the security related code ^^ Just sayin

Pointing out a flaw in someone’s code and then providing a possible solution should hardly be considered “complaining”, especially when his decision to resolve the matter bears no weight on me, a person not using the script.

Pushing a PR doesn’t teach someone how to write secure code… the flaw being pointed out and being pointed in the direction of a solution does.

^^ Just sayin

Of course! Good luck in your endeavors!

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just throwing it out there, hrs’s been around for like 3 years now and synced… but I understand what you mean, deff not a lot of synced zombie systems, especially ones that’re free!!


Thank you very much, it works very well but the zombies do not do any damage.

ESX: v1.10.5

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Don’t worry. Fixes and features are on the way. :slight_smile:

Stay tuned for changes, thank you very much!

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