[ESX/QB] - Rank System

:gift: Features

:rocket: Supercharge Player Engagement with the Ultimate FiveM Ranking System! :rocket:

Are you a dedicated FiveM server owner looking to take your server to the next level? The FiveM Ranking System is your secret weapon to boost player engagement, competitiveness, and retention!

:star2: Key Features for Server Owners :star2:

  • :trophy: Real-time Mini-HUD: Keep your players engaged and motivated with a dynamic mini-HUD that displays their kills, deaths, and current rank. Fuel their competitive spirit and watch activity soar.
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Competitive Leaderboard: Drive friendly competition by showcasing the top-ranking players on your server. Encourage players to aim for the top and keep coming back for more.

:globe_with_meridians: Elevate Your Server Experience :globe_with_meridians: The FiveM Ranking System isn’t just a script; it’s your ticket to creating a thriving, active community. Your server will become the go-to destination for players seeking excitement, challenge, and recognition.

:video_game: Effortless Integration for Server Owners :video_game: Our script seamlessly integrates into your FiveM server. Enhance your server’s appeal, boost player retention, and foster an environment that players won’t want to leave.

:fire: Empower Your Players and Watch Your Server Flourish! :fire:

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to level up your server and see your player base grow. The FiveM Ranking System is your key to creating an engaging and competitive atmosphere.

:film_strip: Video Preview

:ribbon:Buy it [HERE] [OPEN SOURCE]

:gift: Dungeons
:gift: Team Deathmatch
:gift: Hunger Games
:gift: Cargo Heist
:gift: Van Heist
:gift: Business System V1
:gift: Skills System
:gift: Container Opening
:gift: Car Robbery

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements ESX/QB/OXMYSQL
Support Yes