[ESX/QB] Aesthetic Hud Mysterious Design

  • Developed with the Dark Store team, this design is different from what you are used to and includes many stress options such as stress and oxygen

  • Gear indicators are adapted to real vehicles and are as they should be

  • Note that proportions like bar fill % are coded with load method so you get a good view

  • Systems such as vehicle cruise control, vehicle belt system, right and left turn signal fuel indicators and door control gearshift are included.

argus-carshop-preview argus-craft-preview argus-customs-preview
argus-rent-preview blue-garage-review cyber-hud-review
report-menu-review loading-preview case
Code is accessible YES
Subscription-based [ESX/QBCORE]
Lines (approximately) 100
Requirements [ESX/QBCORE]
Support YES
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:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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