[ESX Legacy] ESX Multicharacter

Where enter database ? Which linii ?

Did you find a fix for this? I got the same problem, and I can’t find a fix…

No I’m still fighting it.

You don’t anymore, it’s parsed automatically as of a few months ago. Your spawning issue is because you’re getting spawned by another resource (basic-gamemode or something).

I see a lot of people have a problem to get it to work well. Could you throw in all the files you have that work for you?

Do you know, why I can’t make a characters skin, after creating my identity? It’s the same problem that Alien_CZE1 got. :slight_smile:

The version of esx multicharacter included with zap hosting and in the esx-legacy repo is 6 months out of date, and this bug hasn’t been reproduced since ~v1.2.2; did you get the release from my repo?

No clue, no issues when testing with the latest versions of the resources.

I don’t have any problem at first either. But after some time, it start making that error.

Hi, I am getting this weird error and cannot for the live of me figure it out, can I get a hand? Basic needs are not updating.

FIXED: Do not use the newest ESX Status, use the one from July 2021.

That isn’t a “fix”; ESX Legacy is officially using oxmysql now, and requires the latest version.

Got the same error…

getting this error anyone know how to fix

MySQL 5.6, 8.0, mariadb?

It’s an experimental change (hence no release), so I’ll just revert it if needed.

Hey, when i create an character, type my data into the Identity fields and press submit, the menu will close an i will stuck… how can i fix it :frowning:

main issue for this is using mf doorlocks “apparently”

Yeah it triggers the closeall function for esx menu, apparently.

ESX.TriggerServerCallback(‘fivem-appearance:getPlayerSkin’, function(appearance)

Hey where would i put this for brp-fivem-appearance

I’m having a problem I hope you can help, I’ve installed the most recent most fresh version of ESX Legacy, I’m able to create a first character and able to play with no problem but when I try to create a second character I’m stuck must be something to do with this error

  script:es_extended] [INFO]  Player 2 Has been granted admin permissions via Ace Perms.
[      script:oxmysql] SCRIPT ERROR in promise (unhandled): Error: es_extended was unable to execute a query!
[      script:oxmysql]     es_extended was unable to execute a query!
[      script:oxmysql]           Expected 1 parameters, but received 2.
[      script:oxmysql]           SELECT `accounts`, `job`, `job_grade`, `group`, `position`, `inventory`, `skin`, `loadout`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `dateofbirth`, `sex`, `height` FROM `users` WHERE identifier = ? ["char1:e8267746c0014f16e82991c02a446f83dbaefed3",1]
[      script:oxmysql]     SELECT `accounts`, `job`, `job_grade`, `group`, `position`, `inventory`, `skin`, `loadout`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `dateofbirth`, `sex`, `height` FROM `users` WHERE identifier = ? ["char1:e8267746c0014f16e82991c02a446f83dbaefed3",1]
[      script:oxmysql] > query_default (@oxmysql/dist/server/build.js:16103)
[      script:oxmysql] > Object.callback (@oxmysql/dist/server/build.js:16271)
[      script:oxmysql]


I’d honestly just remove that.

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