[ESX] esx_tk_jail - Prison Escape, 5 Prison Jobs & More

Update 1.2.7

  • Unjail webhook will now also display the player who unjailed the prisoner

Update 1.3.0

  • Fixed jailbreak items not being given to player upon completing prison tasks

Update 1.5.0

  • You can now set yourself a home cell
  • In your home cell, you have a personal stash where you can store your items and they will always stay there
  • New item Jail cigarette that is used to purchase different items from a NPC inside the jail
    • You can get jail cigarettes from doing tasks and searching places
    • Instead of instantly getting an explosive and a handmade lighter from doing task, you’ll now gain jail cigarettes which you can use to purchase the explosive and handmade lighter for from the NPC

I keep getting error
script:drx_mdt SCRIPT ERROR: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:867: No such export jail in resource esx_tk_jail
Trying to use exports.esx_tk_jail:jail(targetId, time) as an export in our MDT

Hey! What version are you running on? Make sure you have updated to the latest one as this export was added in a later update. You van check the version from the fxmanifest.lua.

Can you add ox inventory support please, Thanks


Support for storing and getting back items when jailed for ox inventory is working in the latest update, but I’m still working on the support for the new update (jail stashes). I will post here when the update with support for ox inventory has been released.

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Rakas kulta tukehhz voisikko tehÀ toisen tyyli paeta sieltÀ? kun tota clienttiÀ ja servua ei pysty itse muokkailee jonku ilmastoinnin kautta ja sit siihen karkaukseen et kaikki 2 distancel nii lÀhtee mukaa tyylii? vaikka aika nopsa homma enempÀÀ en pyydÀ.

Siel on kyl tarpeeks eventtei ja exportteja tarjolla, jotta voit itse luoda vaihtoehtoisen keinon paeta.


Update 1.5.1

  • Fixed jail currency not being removed when purchasing weapons

Update 1.5.6

  • Fixed items not being removed when using Quasar inventory

Update 1.5.7

  • Added separate options for passing time offline for both jail and lockup

TÀllÀ hetkellÀ ei oo valitettavasti suunnitelmia kehittÀÀ karkaamissysteemiÀ eteenpÀin. Ja kuten Slerba tosiaan mainitsi niin pitÀisi olla ilmeisesti ihan tarpeeksi koodia auki, jotta pystyy tÀllÀisen tekemÀÀn myös itse.

version ‘1.5.8’
Latest one
Same error No such export jail in resource esx_tk_jail

Update 1.5.8

  • Fixed jail time passing by super fast

Update 1.5.9

  • New config option Config.MenuAlign
  • New config option Config.ExplosiveModel

There is a money dupe when you are in prison you can deposit cash that was taken from inventory and then take the cash and then have it in your inventory while in jail and go reclaim the items then duped.

Basically home cell inventory shouldn’t work with cash

I’m unable to reproduce this bug in my own testings. What inventory script are you using?

mf-inventory - option to just disable jail cell stash?

Yes, you can disable the home cell system and the stash system by setting Config.EnableHomeCell to false.

any update on this?

what event is used for sending someone to jail? trying to find to put in another script but having troubles?

Update 1.6.1

  • New config option Config.UsevSql

Update 1.6.2

  • New config option Config.UseMultiChar

Update 1.6.3

  • New config option Config.AdminGroups