[ESX] CONDE-B1G_INVENTORY | Fast Items, Hotbar, Notifications, Shortcuts, HUD and much more

You need to use the canCarryItem xPlayer method to make sure that you can put an item on the inventory

Yea I have a price for every item listed in the config and Im still getting the same error

When I try to use a weapon while the inventory is open it just shakes and doesn’t do anything. Is there a way to be able to use weapons while inventory is open?

BTW @Daniel_Escadas Thank you very very much for your work and helping everybody.

Are you using the weapon as an item or as a weapon?

I’m using weapons as items, yes. When I use the hotbar and hit the hotkey while inventory is closed it pulls out the weapon. I was just wondering if you could pull out the weapon while using it when inventory is open.

So it doesn’t have to be on hotbar

Only if it is outside the hotbar…

can somebody send me es_extended 1.1 with weight system ty lol
cause 1.2 is hella broken

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FIXED THE WEAPON SHOP! For now the inventory only supports weapons as items, mby in the future I’m gonna add the option to add also weapons as weapons in the config!

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Hello! any way to position the animation when throwing an object and when passing it to another player?

So there’s no way to equip the weapon by using it outside of hotbar?

i’ve scrolled trough the replies but i haven’t found an answer, when i press tab the inventory doesent show up only the cursor… The resource is named “conde-b1g_inventory” and its started upon server start, when i open it like this and then close it the inventory doesen’t work at all, i’ve tried the latest version of the script as well as the latest version of fxserver and esx

You don’t want to be on the latest version of es_extended. You want to be on 1.1 pre es ditch.

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can somebody send me es_extended 1.1 with weight system ty lol
cause 1.2 is hella broken

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Yeah, config you haave the position of the prop and the bone indexes I think

A Limit version for the old essentialmode + es_extended framework?


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the image still didnt work, or we need to put image name manualy at fxmanifest like the old one ?

Images do work now, just put them in items folder and make sure " “html/img/items/*.png” " is added to fxmanifest.lua under “files”

have problem with openinventory player, inventory wont open