[ESX] CONDE-B1G_INVENTORY | Fast Items, Hotbar, Notifications, Shortcuts, HUD and much more

in the database, you have the colum “price” in items?

Top when i get home i will try it on my server.Obrigado.

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It shouldn’t be needed

But I ll take a look at those issues asap

wassup, yeah thats true too

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it is called that

The prison shop isn’t working (not opening).
The police shop throwing an error that was mentioned before.
Weapon shop isn’t working (not opening), might be cause of not ready weapon license?

Hopefully will be an fix soon. :sweat_smile:

@Daniel_Escadas i think i found the problem in the prison shop, inside shop.lua in the line 48.


if ESX.GetPlayerData().job.name == police then


if ESX.GetPlayerData().job.name == “police” then

Weapon shop doesn’t work and guns can’t be dragged into hotkey slots for me.

After further testing, weapons that are given to the player as items can be, but weapons the player recieves as a weapon cannot be put in hotkey slots. I found that if you give yourself a pistol as an item, it will work fine - but if you drop it and pick it up again it will not.

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How do i spawn items?

Inventory is full and I can still get items into it.

How to check:
Get your items into your inventory untill it’s full. Then go to a car trunk and deposit some in it. Leave trunk. Make sure your inventory is still full. And then go into the trunk again and try to take some items into the inventory.
When all the slots are full you cannot get anymore items in the inventory. But if there are slots and the weight it’s full you can still get items in.

yes why

Thank you!
Not sure why it says undefined but i am trying to find the issue myself I will let you know if I find it !

try this: inside shop.lua in the line 48.

if ESX.GetPlayerData().job.name == police then


if ESX.GetPlayerData().job.name == “police” then

and in server/mainput this in line 444 “if list ~= nil then”
and now it showing me the price of the items i put in PrisonShop
remember to close the if

Nice update man. My nickname is Trsak not Tsrak tho :frowning: :smiley:


Sorry man… I will edit the description XD

Question, does this inventory remove the item limit thats on ESX? Currently if you have over i think 380 items in items table on your database every player turns into Michael’s, or does this handle items differently?

Negative, this is ESX dependent and uses the ESX methods to handle the data