[ESX] CONDE-B1G_INVENTORY | Fast Items, Hotbar, Notifications, Shortcuts, HUD and much more

Hi again! So I’ve set Config.MaxWeight = 250 but the weight bar in the inventory is acting like Config.MaxWeight is set to 80. How can I change that? Where do I need to edit? @Daniel

As you can see I have 6 weapons in my inventory. Each weapon weights 10 and the bullets and the cigarette weight 1, so 6 weapons 5 ammo and 4 cigarette = 68 weight

anyone who turn it into limit system can share?

Steal doesnt work. The command is executing mythic progress bar and that’s it…nothing happens.

Would anybody know how to make the item icons inside the inventory larger? I’m using the same icons I had previously which were fine, but this inventory seems to make the icon image area small.

Im gonna take a look at that, you need to modify the weight on the ESX config

True, to make the inventory cleaner, just check the css, and change the width and height kd the .item div I think

any help ?, how to set ilegal shop price with black money ?

You will need to change the code a little!

Damn… bro. This is the best script ever from the disc inventory reference. I just wanted to make the project, and finally someone made this script perfectly. thank’s bro … you have shared this script

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Here is a small fix for the weaponshop not opening go to config.lua and replace
weaponShop with this

WeaponShop = {

    Locations = {

        { x = 22.09, y = -1107.28, z = 29.80 }



    Weapons = {

        { name = "WEAPON_PISTOL", price = 2000},

        { name = "WEAPON_PISTOL", price = 2000}


    Ammo = {

        { name = "bread", price = 1}


    Items = {

        { name = "bread", price = 1}



Have anyone changed it to Limit system?

Can I removed the hud also in inventory ?

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The easiest way to do it is commenting the hud lines in the html :slight_smile:

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Hi,i have qbus framework and renamed it to 3qrp_base,does that means i finally made my own framework?

Works like a charm, I just can’t steal with /steal, the other player’s menu never opens.

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go UI.html and you will start < div id = “StatusHUD” and remove everything that has class"barIcon" under it

you are joking right?

It´s an inside joke with @daniel

Weight it’s set to 250 in both. ESX and Inventory.

Can anyone share the LIMIT version please?