[ESX] CONDE-B1G_INVENTORY | Fast Items, Hotbar, Notifications, Shortcuts, HUD and much more

Hi there, i wanted to be able to walk and drive with the inventory open, but when i change these to false, nothing changes. Any tips?

can anyone help ive installed the sql and the inventory wont open

Has anyone found out how to use WEAPONS as WEAPONS instead of ITEMS?

It seems the items being removed from hotbar are both being removed when server restarts and when you restart the inventoryhud. Anybody have an idea on how to prevent this?

anyone can help with changing illegal weapon shop to be with dirty money ?

Do you need disc-basic for disc-ammo?

Not anymore.

This inventory has been great, finally someone did it. Of Coarse it would be really sweet if you could move items around to wherever you want instead of the spot automatically being assigned, oh and the items being removed from hotbar every restart of inventory and server. But other than that I’ve had no problems at all. Props for making this work, and actually usable.

Everytime i relauch the server, some of my items (almost all) spawn in double, you dont have that bug? @syltannn

I have only that problem, that error appears, I mean, it does not cause any damage but it is an error that is difficult to avoid seeing, I am currently trying to migrate from esx 1.1 to esxmod

after many hours the inventory was like this

it has sound for every click action you make,
it freezes you when you hit the weight limit.
and animation when you take out the weapons: D thank you very much for the contribution I will keep trying to add more things

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[TUTORIAL?][HELP] - sorry, first post I was writting this as I was working on it.
I have everything installed


All I get it’s this
It’s also in the server.cfg but I get this message on the console.

Okay… I fixed that by putting a , on here

client_scripts {
“config.lua”, <—here

Now it wont open in-game. no error mensage or anything.

Soo… I got it to the point where it opens once but there is nothing… on screen basically like if the pause menu was open but there is not pause menu. just the mouse. (no allowed to move character.)

I also saw that the hotbar is there visually… for some reason I was driving and it apeard for 1-2 seconds

Can some help me please?


Also I’m translating this to spanish, I can’t really see it soo…

are those weapons as items or weapons as weapons?. we been having trouble getting them to work as weapons , so we wanna know if someone already got it working

your new style is very nice! I did something similar and I have no problems with the trunk! As in the fastitem section, add a function in the database that saves the position of the weapons, without having to assign them every time the server is opened

Hello, could someone tell me how to make the weight I carry show normal and not in the hud?

Hi again! Do you know what do i have to put in the transition time to make the blur fade in last longer? I tried a lot of différent options but nothing seems to be working :frowning:

No they just get removed from hotbar

You mind showing the structure of that table for fastitems?

You just change the “0” to something higher I’m pretty sure…

fast solution for someone use legacyfuel

local gasolina = false

  RegisterCommand('gasolina', function() 
  --RegisterCommand('getfuel', function() 
local ped = PlayerPedId()

	if gasolina == false then

     GiveWeaponToPed(ped,GetHashKey('WEAPON_PETROLCAN'), 1, false, true)
	SetCurrentPedWeapon(ped, GetHashKey('WEAPON_PETROLCAN') , true)
		gasolina  = true

		SetCurrentPedWeapon(ped, GetHashKey('WEAPON_UNARMED') , true)
		gasolina = false

        end, false)


how to fix esx_propety cant put item in property inventory