[ESX] CONDE-B1G_INVENTORY | Fast Items, Hotbar, Notifications, Shortcuts, HUD and much more

i Cant Put Any Items On Job Stocks Or Property Stocks Any Fix Please ?

please show the structure for save it to db

because its still read for limit ? change it to read weight system.

in esx_property already change to weight system

i think i have a problem, when i go to the shop i see no weapons in the shop its all empty what can i do?

Already tried that xD

You have definitely messed with the resource. You don’t want to change the name unless you know how to fix the issues it will cause. And you definitely don’t want to be messing with the fxmanifest which it looks like you’ve been doing. Download the resource again. Add it to your server.cfg file and don’t mess with anything unless you know how to revert it back.

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Thank you for the response .

I reinstalled the resource.

Didn’t change the name or anything… straight from GIT to server.

Didn’t need to change the fxmanifest this time… so that was my fault

I got back to the same point…

where it opens once but there is nothing… on screen basically like if the pause menu was open but there is not pause menu. just the mouse. (no allowed to move character.)

I forgot to say that this only happens once… by this I mean that it allows me to open it one time then I have to restart the resource.

anything else that can fix this?

inventory in properties working correctly, do the same steps to add “trunk and glovebox”

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So the only reason I’m not adding this to my server, is this bug I’m currently having.
Drawing weapons from the fast bars works for a couple of tries, then it stops working and I can’t draw any other weapon. I can only use items like bread, water, etc.
I don’t know how to fix this, I’d need to use weapons as weapons instead of items. Does anyone have a clue on a workaround to this?

i do the same thing

The blue does not go off my screen when I leave the inventory

Anyone having a problem with putting gun away and it pops back in your hand or gets it back out of his pants without pressing a button?

In client/main.lua where you added the fadein trigger, if you scroll down a bit, you will find a close menu line, you just have to paste this under that


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No, but her are some bugs that i have right now:

  • When i wipe a character and create a new one, i still have the inventory items i had in the previous characters

  • Whenever i reconnect, almost all my items spawn in double inside my Inventory

  • The quantity of items i can put in my Inventory is illimited (wheight limit doesent work)

  • I tried to change the code of the bloqued keys while inventory open so that it would be possible to drive and walk while in the inventory, but nothing changes

  • I tried to also close the inventory with TAB but it doesent work

Ps. Some of those issues only happen because i am new to this coding stuff and not because of the script itself (like the closing with tab for example)

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which esx_property do u use ?

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clear weapons from your self with /clearlodaout ID

Thank you so much!!! Worked.

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When I open someones inventory, I see his cash 3 times. If I take 1 or more updates all 3.

The fix is shared on his github (it’s already implemented in the script. Just download it again). I didn’t do anything to it.