[ESX] CONDE-B1G_INVENTORY | Fast Items, Hotbar, Notifications, Shortcuts, HUD and much more

try what? lol

I’m also on exm, but the ammo is not saving after relog.
Did you had this issue?

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I just went and bought a pistol and ammo, took out the pistol, refilled the ammo and relogged. When i came back the ammo was still in my gun and i still had the leftover ammo in my inventory

Hey there! When i open the trunk inventory i have the vehicule’s trunk animation and the actual trunk door of the car opens, but when i close the inventory, it dosent close the trunk, do you have any solution for that? :stuck_out_tongue:

Beautiful skin! Would you mind sharing it?

Its all css, i can send you ^^ (tell me if there is any problem with it!) ui.css (8.9 KB)


I’ve done that too but I can’t remove the blur after closing my inventory. Where did you put the Trigger for blur?

In client/main.lua where you added the fadein trigger, if you scroll down a bit, you will find a close menu line, you just have to paste this under that


Ill share a print screen tomorrow if you whant, i already turnd my pc off :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Daniel! Has this already came out? :smiley:

Anyone have a clue why my weightbar is looking like this? I’m not getting any errors.
It looks like this when my inventory is not full and when it’s actually full it shows it normal like this:

its so good to have my QUICK 1-2-3-4-5 working again… man i missed that feature!
Thank you for the inventory! its was painless to install…

Did you use disc_ammo sql?

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Yeah, I guess I’ve found the issue.
If you buy an weapon and reload it using disc-ammo, it won’t save on dB until you holster the weapon back, only then it would save the ammo.

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Having the same problem! Anyone fixed it? @Tonio looks like your weight bar is fine. How much weight you use in the inventory and esx? Config.Weight = ?

I have set in ESX Config.MaxWeight = 250 and in conde inventory Config.MaxWeight = 250

and I have this problem…with the weight bar(the bar acts like the weight is set at 80). I looked and changed values in the ui.css for 3 hours I cannot figure it out.

Can anyone help?

Thank you very much. Awesome job!

You welcome :wink:

I dont remember changing any of that yet bit anyway, in my Inventory config.lua i have:

Config.MaxWeight = 2000

I also did some testing and I think it has to do with a value in MaxWeight which is over 100, if you set you’re maxweight in the config to 100 it’s working flawless but if you have a MaxWeight above 100 it will draw the filling of the weight bar longer, but I currently don’t know how to fix it…

Any idea why I can’t drag weapons to the 12345 bar? Using weapons as items.

Yeah, that’s was my bad… The code is bad written in that part, I think I was lazy and made it static, so only works for the weight I added setted up before…
Will update!