Enhanced Driveby Animations [Free Demo]

Make sure the demo is ensured before/above the vehicles in your server.cfg

still crashing brother

my camera keeps going like this

I did the same thing and nothing changed, the meta layouts name I changed and ensured it in cfx above the car and I dropped the folder in resource. is the folder name supposed to change because its not working for me what button do you even push to get it to work if its RB along with LB then yeah its not working bro

Are you testing from the front passenger seat and using an addon vehicle?
You just have to aim any handgun because this overrides the default aiming

I like it ! :white_check_mark:

ok so Iā€™m using an xbox controller ill try again man :+1:

game keeps crashing everytime

ensure [scripts] this is where the EDA is and EDA_01
ensure [cars] has the cars that have LAYOUT_DELTA_DEMO

yo how can I do this for singleplayer?

_EDA_01 canā€™t be inside a bracketed folder like [scripts]!
You just need to put it in a regular folder or in the main resource directory.

Iā€™m not sure if it will load for singleplayer but I am looking into it!

how did u do this

i dont know how to * Start resource _EDA_DEMO - before - your vehicle resources.
me and my bud trying our best to find it out. but we cant. please help us to start the _EDA_DEMO resource before the vehicle resources

In your server.cfg, it just has to be above the vehicle resources and not inside a bracketed folder, examples below:

ensure _EDA_Demo
ensure addonCar
ensure [addonPack]

Do it work for single player brody?

I donā€™t think so unless it gets packaged into a custom DLC file

Do you know if itā€™s even possible, dam I been looking all over for something like this for Sp

Other DLC packs add vehicle driveby animations so I think it would be possible but I havenā€™t tried it yet

Brooooo could you make that for me? Ill def pay and pay for your fivem pack.

somebody would have to be driving the car hmm maybe putting the car in self-drive or having an npc drive to way point would be a fix Iā€™m just thinking because somebody probably already thought of this and never went through with it

Yeah thatā€™s why I didnā€™t think anyone would really want it for SP, but I will see if I can get it working