Enhanced Driveby Animations [Free Demo]

Yeah i Did

Wait you mean putting that file in my car file right?

You shouldn’t have to move files, just ensure the demo resource above your addon vehicle resource, then open the addon vehicle files and edit the vehicles.meta, change the layout name to LAYOUT_DELTA_DEMO

Change this Line??

Hello So how can i fix

Yes, exactly. That gets changed to LAYOUT_DELTA_DEMO for this demo version.
For the full version, you would use the conversion chart to get the best match.

Have you edited the layout name in the vehicles.meta file to be LAYOUT_DELTA_DEMO?

Yes Yes but i have the same problem so how can fix it? Enhanced Driveby Animations [Free Demo] - #10 by Vhins

You just need another player in the driver seat, the anti-shuffle scripts bugs the front passenger if there is no driver

Do I just put it in place and that’s it, or should I do something else, I only have vanilla cars.

When i want to sit in a car the game crashes

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Only works on addon cars currently!

Is the demo ensured above the vehicle resources in the server.cfg?

Yes it is and also, in some Cars it doesnt say vehicle standard it saß something else

Ive meint Layout Standard

And you are changing the layout name to LAYOUT_DELTA_DEMO ?

Yes i do

how do i get it to work? me and my bud are trying to add it into our server but its not letting us hang out

  • Ensure the demo above your addon vehicle resource in the server.cfg
  • open the vehicles.meta in the vehicle resource
  • change the layout name to LAYOUT_DELTA_DEMO
  • test in the front passenger seat

Where can i find the vehicles.meta?

You must have an addon vehicle resource and you edit the vehicles.meta inside that resource

Why is this crashing my game everytime i get out the car