Enhanced Driveby Animations [Free Demo]

I see self drive mods and and a new one that has a npc drive you around like a chauffeur im thinking something like them 2 but paird with fast npc driving or actualy those mods have it were you can change the speed and driving style dam I wish I could make mods

I went searching for shit to help out and I found and tested a car that has the back window animation but well you cant get back in the car the npc just hangs out the window its looks cool asf when in action but when the action is over npc or player stay hanging out the window which is kinda funny lol

It is one of the ā€˜sliderā€™ cars? They are pretty cool, I think the actual seat is placed in the window so you are always hanging out, but then you canā€™t go inside.

you are right I been testing the body guard task drive on simple trainer its smooth just need better ai with different modes maybe for the animation

You right it is I had to do my research I didnā€™t know they made them like that fr

my game always crash when i try to get in the car

If you are crashing then check these:

  • Check the server console to make sure demo resource is starting without errors.
  • Make sure demo is ensured before/above the vehicles in your server.cfg
  • Make sure demo is NOT loaded from inside a bracketed folder like [this]
  • Check that the layout name is spelled correctly and all UPPERCASE

Is there an SP version yet?

Everything is right

Not yet!

If you have checked all those then try on other vehicles because it could be that the car has some kind of special layout. The demo should work with pretty much any addon sedans or SUVs.

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Working with all vehicle now ?

Almost! Finishing up the left handed animations that are required for vanilla vehicles.

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