Emergency Alert System (a.k.a Ear Assault System)

Hey, I tried adding this to my vMenu server and it doesn’t work. Maybe I missed something, but is this only for ESX servers?

it wont work for me either

the scrip only plays 20 seconds of audio, but my audio is 1 minute, how can I make it play whole since it cuts off at 20 seconds

There is weazle news version?

I have a strange problem. other people can hear the alert but i can’t :c do any of you know how i can fix this?

How set long time ? help

how to fix this ?

Hi there, for some reason the UI couldnt be spawned (The actual EAS UI) Do I need native ui or something?

Couldn’t load resource eas-fivem: Couldn’t load resource eas-fivem from resources:/eas-fivem/: Could not open resource metadata file resources:/eas-fivem//__resource.lua How can i fix this?

Make sure resource is spelled correctly

Good evening,

I tried the Emergency Alert System script, but it doesn’t match, could you help me?

I have been trying to figure this out myself

it is /alert “Department” for Example /alert LSPD or /alert USGVT and then a Box will come up that you type your message in

I have it working on my Server and I do not have ESX

Sooo. I have this in my main server and it doesn’t work but when I put it in a fresh server it does work! Same configs and all! I’m beliveing a script is messing with it. Idk what would though!

Make sure your FiveM chrominum process in your volume mixer is all the way up

It took a little while for it to work in my server when I first added it, it would do nothing and then about 10 mins I tried again and it worked fine

this is awesome man Great WORK

I keep getting this error

How do I fix this?

hi i set it in my server but it shows Nothing pls help me i try /alert LSSD but the black screen dont shows itall