go into the config and it will give you names so you will have to do /alert and then the name you want to use to start the command then you should see if pop up on the screen
i have this downloaded in my server and it isnt working can i please have some help to get it to work please and thank you
Can someone make like a video tutorial to how to install? please:(
where can i change the duration of the mp3?
xD nederlands
This script does’n work!
and why? a bit more information is always useful, it works more than fine for me.
basically it doesn’t recognize the command.
i do /alert LSPD but nothing happens
Hey, i set put another Sound File in the Files, how i set it that it will play the Sound File completly ?
If there is a sound file (I am not sure) just give it the same name and replace
Yes but, when I Activate it, it don’t play the full sound file, it Stopps at the middle
Have a look at the configs incl the client and server.lua if there are one. See if there is anything about playback time. Apart from that I have no clue.
for some reason i cant get this to work in my server anyone got any ideas
does this only work for ESX? its not working for my vMenu server
To anyone having issues with this:
I have switched to version 1.5 and the script works, however I cannot get the sound to play.
Find V1.5 here: https://github.com/DevLanceGood/eas-fivem/releases/tag/v1.5
in version 1.5 can you assign it to work with admins? if so how?
i have downloaded this and installed it but get nothing at all when i do the command?
i do "/alert evacuate to sandy shores war in los angeles but nothing happens
@Vida_Loca_RP it is /alert “message”