Diamond Casino SLOT MACHINES [ESX, QB, ND]

Slot Machines

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Config tool

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This resource was created to look and feel like the GTA Online slot machines, The bet amount, max bet amount, and rewards are like GTA Online but I’ve also created a config file for people that would like to change them to match their economy. There’s 32 different positions the slot could land on so getting 3 of the same slots is very difficult.


  • Player will enter the chair from the closest side. (4 different enter seat animations)
  • Different sounds for different machines.
  • Different rewards for each machine (in config).
  • Different bet and max bets for each machine (in config).
  • Source accessible bridge to integrate with any framework or use it standalone (comes with ESX, QB, ND. Integration by default).
  • 0.00 ms while not in use.
  • Different animations while spinning, when losing, and when getting a big or a small win.
  • Automatically detects machines so you don’t need to manually set them up.

Purchase here!

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 800+
Requirements Ox Library
Support Yes

This resource goes well with this:

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if you have any questions or are in need of support you can reach out on discord.
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This is a well priced and nice release. I will be picking this up soon! Like an hour or so when I get home


Thank you fresshhhh

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thank you niceee


Looks very good and the price is very affordable. Will definitely buy this one, good job!


Thank you Blue Rebel.


Love it

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[UPDATED] The machine arm will now be animated and move when used.


Halloween sale :jack_o_lantern:
30% off on everything!

Just released another resource that goes very well with this:

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