Community Pulse - February 2024

Hello everyone,

It has been half a year since we joined Rockstar Games, and we have been spending that time hard at work in our new home within the Rockstar Games team, sharing knowledge, improving our processes and much more.

In this Pulse, we’ll go over how our development methods have changed throughout those six months, including our plans to expand the team with new hires. Most importantly, we’ll provide updates and insight into what the team has been working on, while also addressing some of the feedback we have been receiving from the community.

Community Feedback

RedM and FiveM both have vibrant communities, and we wouldn’t be part of Rockstar Games today without the dedication from so many server owners, developers, volunteers, creators and players.

As we have settled in here at Rockstar Games, we admit we’ve been a little quieter lately than we’d like to be, and we will endeavor to use our various channels to communicate more frequently as we move forward. Interacting with our community remains one of our most important goals, and we constantly explore ideas on how to communicate the status of our projects, highlight any major milestones and give our contributors credit where credit is due.

Support Improvements

We are welcoming new support agents to help us clear tickets more efficiently, and more improvements are coming to provide a better experience when reaching out for support.

Another area of focus is our support articles: we are now ensuring changes made by our engineering teams are correctly reflected in new or existing articles. We are also creating new articles on frequent support questions and issues.

We are also working on implementing self-service processes for common actions on your FiveM account.

Protecting Our Community

Providing a positive and safe experience for all players continues to be a top priority for us. In the past six months, we have taken action against more infringing servers than in all previous years combined, and we continue to ramp up our efforts to weed out bad actors on a regular basis. We have also been allocating resources towards proactive monitoring, and we are starting to work on the tooling we need to make platform compliance more efficient for our team members.


To plan collaboration as efficiently as possible, one of the first people we hired was a talented producer who helped our teams start their first sprints in January, which significantly improved our predictability and planning of future tasks.

We have also hired and will continue hiring more engineers to work on our products; our open positions are always evolving, so keep an eye out! You can check the complete list of Rockstar Games openings on our Careers website.

Our currently open positions are:

Server security fixes

We have been working on fixing more security issues inside the Platform Server:

  • We fixed a crash occurring when a maliciously crafted request was sent to the server (Thanks to Cyberfilters for the report)
  • Rate limiting has been added for state bags to counter the abuse of large state bag payloads (Thanks to @AvarianKnight)


Red Dead Redemption 2 received a minor game stability and performance patch (1491.18) on January 31st. We have updated RedM to support this patch, and it has been successfully deployed to production.

RedM also got its native declarations updated, meaning you can call native functions by name directly instead of invoking them:

Citizen.InvokeNative(0x78815FC52832B690, ped, 1)

-- But now, it can be called this way in your scripts:
ClearPedCombatStyle(ped, 1)

Note for our C# users: only MonoV2 will be receiving the updated native declarations. Beware that MonoV2 is still not considered ready for production use. For more information, please visit our dedicated Github Repository.

Finally, we are working on publishing a native reference website and repository for RedM which are our first steps towards providing better documentation for developers.

Anticheat Updates

Our anticheat team has been very active, as usual!
We recently deployed large ban-waves against multiple cheat vendors and our efforts won’t stop there. Several changes have also been made to our ban evasion prevention system to make it more accurate.

We have also created a support article providing some steps to follow if you’re experiencing the “Game integrity check failed” error while playing FiveM or RedM.

If you come across any undetected cheating software made for our games, please report it through our support platform.

Web services

Keymaster now has a warning when you receive a grant transfer from an asset purchased less than 14 days ago. We made an article on our support website to provide more details on why you may want to be careful before accepting it.

Our developers also worked on a variety of bug fixes, tweaks and even some refactors across a large number of our services. Most are not visible to our end-users, but they ensure our services can remain operational & performant.

Game development updates

  • Fixed the artificial lights state crash caused by vehicles that use CCustomShaderEffectStandardVehicle.
  • Fixed a crash with asynchronous audio in RedM (Thanks to @Nikez, @z3t4s, and okqut).
  • Fixed resources not unloading on network kill, such as during switching to story mode.
  • Thanks to packfile for making efforts in researching ped and player appearance data nodes.
  • The draw graphics natives for RedM have been reworked, this fixes flickering and matches the behavior like in GTA 5.
  • Changed the cursor capture when the game is paused (Thanks to @nta)
  • Fixed not allowing the crew name to be set.
  • The camera shake toggle console variable has been reworked, fixing it for b3095.
  • Add max size checks to the client endpoint, this counters for an attack that could result in a server crash.
  • Add max packet size checks to the server (Thanks to @AvarianKnight).
  • The Chromium shipped with FiveM and RedM has been updated to fix a vulnerability in a package from a vendor.
  • Added OVERRIDE_PEDS_USE_DEFAULT_DRIVE_BY_CLIPSET to allow bypassing the game preventing the use of overridden drive-by clipsets in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed a game memory leak related to dropping weapons.
  • The resource name has been added to NUI callbacks to allow for extra security checks in resources.
  • The default chat resource has been updated to no longer allow command execution from any other origin than it’s own.
  • The ‘Early-exit trap’ error message has been changed to a more friendly error message.
  • Fixed an issue with some flags not being reset after disconnection.
  • Add function to allow to configure the max listeners count for the JavaScript ScRT (Thanks to joelwurtz).
  • Fixed failed-jupiter-spring and dakota-thirteen-december crashes.
  • Fixed an issue with corrupted game cache downloads.
Git Changelog

Disquse (15):

  • [b1ce618f0] feat(rdr3): upgrade build 1491 to 1491.18 (31-01-2024)
  • [1a3a6d24e] tweak(gamestate/server): add msgNetGameEvent packet size checks
  • [537f43424] feat(extra-natives/rdr3): add GET_WORLD_COORD_FROM_SCREEN_COORD
  • [56e46cb6e] fix(native-decls): fix link in GetWeaponAnimationOverride
  • [f105179a9] feat(extra-natives/five): drive-by clipset fallback bypass native
  • [0a0f0b465] tweak(core/five): remove weapon object skeleton on weapon drop
  • [00e7ded7a] feat(native-decls): add OVERRIDE_PEDS_USE_DEFAULT_DRIVE_BY_CLIPSET
  • [8ca2ea1d9] feat(ext/natives): add typedefs for RDR3
  • [92d3e5192] tweak(vendor): update native-doc-tooling
  • [3fd4e6414] tweak(extra-natives): improve rage::grcViewport struct
  • [70d91a020] fix(extra-natives/rdr3): use world view matrix in Unproject function
  • [62a596047] fix(extra-natives/five): reset “can stand on vehicles” flag and map
  • [16a085ecf] tweak(extra-natives/five): use getAndCheckVehicle to avoid code duplication
  • [b3c01f12a] tweak(core/five): don’t remove skeleton from weapons with components
  • [536b7f9d1] tweak(ext/natives): add decl for SET_TEXT_FONT_FOR_CURRENT_COMMAND

Gottfried (1):

  • [863f27348] tweak(ros): failed-jupiter-spring handling

Joel Wurtz (1):

  • [a4ab49f4a] feat(scripting/v8): allow to set the max listeners count for event and raw event

LWSS (1):

  • [7477ed02c] tweak(build): Use Boost submodules instead of requiring builders to download+extract a full somewhere.

blattersturm (4):

  • [52e4e6a85] fix(steam): steamname.txt overrides as UTF-8
  • [1b0320ea7] fix(steam): race condition leading to duplicate SteamChild
  • [3683eaf55] tweak(vendor): update utfcpp to v4.0.4
  • [902066930] fix(steam): truncate presence to a valid UTF-8 sequence

jakub (4):

  • [a400337a5] tweak(nui/resources): respect CORS header values from raw NUI callbacks
  • [d56266ae8] tweak(server): less cumbersome version checking for startup notices
  • [39bc7d546] fix(server): sanitize structured trace utf8 input
  • [f617f8f31] fix(server): fix startup notice processor linux build

neptunium (1):

  • [069201621] tweak(minidump): less vague ‘Early-exit trap’ message in some cases

nihonium (4):

  • [b6cc153df] tweak(client/launcher): don’t launch on Windows 8
  • [e538b6da8] tweak(vendor/cef): update CEF release
  • [1ec451a9b] tweak(ext/system-resources): improve artifact-based system resources handling
  • [c50f48c9a] tweak(client/launcher): check file size for downloadable game cache entries

thorium (11):

  • [d31bc533e] fix(github): PR labeling permission
  • [e62f1a15b] tweak(nui): add resource name to raw NUI callbacks
  • [9348495e0] tweak(resources/chat): disallow commands/events for non-resources
  • [d166ede5d] feat(natives/redm): build and enable RedM natives
  • [2fade99ee] tweak(resources/chat): allow overriding of chat’s new security policy
  • [55248f0ac] fix(native-doc-gen): download node from our own servers
  • [eb1e6d855] fix(system-resources/chat): disable security check by default
  • [f1c013cd8] fix(rage-formats-x): correct integer width checks
  • [2b9077019] fix(natives/compatgen): result ‘conversion’ to default and null
  • [e7c77d34b] feat(github): enable PR CI Linux server builds
  • [3a941247e] tweak(github): run checks on PRs that won’t be compiled

Developer documentation

One of our goals for the near term is to improve our documentation across the board so that developers have ready access to the information they need. To ensure the documentation is the best it could be, we will shortly be distributing a survey soliciting your feedback on how you use our documentation website. We encourage you all to contribute and help us make the best website possible.

Natives updates

We’d like to give our thanks to community members who have been contributing with updates to various natives: @Whoeza, @AvarianKnight, @freedy69, @Scaarus, @ahcenezdh, @azutake, @smoke1974 & @tofudeadeye

Demonstration resources

We finalised and are now reviewing our first demonstration resources to help new developers test out their skills with some basic game modes. The first one is a Capture The Flag game mode, and the second one is a Team Death-Match game mode. You will be able to find them in an upcoming Github repository as well as on our documentation website.


Earlier this year, a small number of users with Gmail accounts may not have been receiving our emails after changes to Google’s email authentication process to combat spam. We have since changed our email process to match the new system so that users receive our emails on time.

We have also been improving the testing capabilities for our platform developers, adding several updates and security improvements to our forums. We are also happy to share that our recent improvements to platform stability are paying off, and our infrastructure has been capable of handling rapidly expanding community without any hiccups!

And that’s all, see you next time! :mascot:


Nice work, Get rekt cheaters!


Happy February 31 :partying_face: :tada: :confetti_ball:


The recent anti-cheat updates are great.


My favourite bit is where you didn’t talk about ANY of the actual community concerns.


Interesting how the TOS of Rockstar doesn’t mention FiveM nor does FiveM mention it.

  1. User Generated and Custom Content.
    6.2. Respect Intellectual Property.
  2. Content Reporting; Take-Down Requests; DMCA.
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The pulse is basically “Thanks to NTA and the community and the anticheat team” and seems to imply a sentiment of indifference, suggesting that little to no genuine concern is present, with the tacit understanding that others are handling the issues.
Regarding the notion of “interacting with the community,” it appears that the only form of interaction is limited to moderating discussions and applying bans. Thus, while the current pulse is appreciated, it feels more like a jest than an authentic engagement.


Took the words right out of my mouth, I was expecting something different after last months Pulse :roll_eyes:


I’m trying to understand your point? FiveM has its own TOS that references and links Rockstars policies. in case you forgot.

It has been half a year since we joined Rockstar Games, and we have been spending that time hard at work in our new home

given the contents of this open letter, i have my doubts as to the validity of this statement.

Providing a positive and safe experience for all players continues to be a top priority for us. In the past six months, we have taken action against more infringing servers than in all previous years combined, and we continue to ramp up our efforts to weed out bad actors on a regular basis.

then how come, 7 months later, i am still waiting for something to be done (despite having sent you some very concrete evidence to back my claims) about a server that is using my mod without my permission, and has ignored my request to remove my mod from their server? a server that you guys are actively promoting, and which i’ve been told has additionally made a few really bad things to infringe on your tos?

not just that, there have been multiple tos enforcement concerns in the aforementioned open letter as well. have any of those concerns been addressed at all? or were they only just handled in the last month, and that’s how you ended up taking more action “than in all previous years combined”?


Great work, definitely the best pulse in quite some time. Looking forward to what the future holds :heart:


Well done Cyberfilters :ok_hand:

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So are we all in agreement now to just start ignoring this PLA shit? Clearly they don’t care, so why should we?


The RedM stuff is very very big news, keep it up!

Still nothing about rockstars involvement in helping with documentation?
RedM Docs will still be based off peoples research from decomplied scripts?
Somehow this doesnt make any sense if true…

And for the love of god
let’s get RedM Bans active please

Servers are left to deal with cheaters everyday using these aimbots that dont work in FiveM.
If This was solved for fivem years ago from what I was told not sure why RedM is still left at the cheaters mercy…
How is this not a priority?
So when you say the anticheat team is very active as “usual”, again, it doesnt make any sense…

updates on that?.

Also noticed that RedM is not a Cfx “Game” ?

This is an odd thing to say. Consider the last 2 months the outages have been worse then the 3 months before that.

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Quoting the Pulse:

They are active. :mascot:

The RedM category exists, but RedM specific articles are not publicly visible just yet. :slight_smile:


Despite having the name “community pulse”, this post does not address the concerns raised by notable community members and the overarching themes that the community at large have been discussing. Considering that the direct response to some concerns are to kill discussion of them entirely so that they can be “reviewed”, one would expect that a community update would update the community on how those concerns are being addressed. That is not the case. Why?

It seems that the unspoken answer is further discussion will be quenched and concerns will be ignored. A dangerous precedent to set.

I don’t necessarily agree with everything being said in those posts, but denying the community discussion of certain topics erodes trust and burns bridges. Concerns shared by multiple members of the community, regardless of how they come about, are still valid concerns raised by real people. Treat your community with respect for its concerns before you ask for understanding of your internal situations.


It doesnt answer my question if are these docs being publish based of decompiled research like the current ones or not though…
Perhaps a more clear description.

I assumed since will be made public it is for people to share they discoveries, if it is documented with Rockstars input then why make it public?
that was just my tought…

RedM bans werent active at least from 5 days ago in which I was told that they weren’t.
But now I was just told they are but do not target any of those mods we all concerned about.

but this post made it seem it has always been active …

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And Updates to JS or C# Support for Escrow? You annouced it years ago???

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