CAS-Multicharacter [RSG] (See their characters) NEW RSGCore

Hello to everyone!
Our current release is CAS-Multicharacter Script For RedM


  • Available frameworks: RSG (QBR Soon.)
  • Set max character count in config.
  • Set ped coords on config.
  • The camera is paired with the ped.
  • See your character skin
  • See selected char’s money, gold, job, name, and Nationality
  • Responsive with all resolutions.

Some screenshots of Script


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Our other releases;
> Staffchat resource
> Multicharacter for RSG
> Admin Menu V1
> Advanced admin menu V2
> Spawn Selector
> Pause Menu
> Marketplace (player-to-player)
> Wholesaler (Sell your items)

Code is accessible Depens on Purchase Type
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500+
Requirements RSG Core
Support Yes

Any plans for making this for VORP? :pleading_face:

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on the way but idk when will be released

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why do you want to support buying scripts that are meant to be for free?

These scripts are meant to be for free its part of the framework. this isnt fivem where you get to do whatever you pleased, I will personally make sure its incompatible to work with the framework if it ever comes out.

I’m not mainting a framework for free for others to make them paid I hope you understand that by allowing this , it unlocks all kind of BS being sold …

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also for this comment,
listen my friend.
I hope you know that when making a script, it will be based on a framework.
So as i see, rsg framework owner doesnt know spawn a ped on multicharacter so added background to sceen.
So, People who can’t do their job do useless things just to gain respect. And as far as I see, rsg framework is the same as qbr core, only the name has changed and given its own name…
Please approach every effort with respect.

Frankly speaking, there are scripts that I reference when making scripts. But this is only one third of the job.

why not working towards the framework developement to make it better for everyone like the maintainers do? they dont ask you for money to use their framework so why should You?
why should they work for free and others make money out of it and not a sing pull request is made?

You make money out of a framework the least you can do is help.
The least anyone can do tbh.

You can make anything you want, in the end this is just common sense, I support anyone trying to make new things and scripts for redm, as long the line is not crossed.

you don’t support anyone, in this platform almost everything is paid, who gives you the right to interfere with what I do? There are thousands of paid files here, and I put a normal script up for sale. I would share it for free if I wanted. Why does this concern you? Just do your job and stop interfering with people.If they want to sell 1 line of code in exchange for money, they can do so, it is people’s own decision. as far as i know there is a game platform, and people can sell their stuffs right? So i made a mc so i can sell it, its not leak or another bad stuff.
So, i can sell whatever i want, I don’t think I allow you to talk about my scripts and push my clients?
Mind your business my friend, it’s nobody’s business what I sell or don’t sell. I do whatever I want.
I hope you understand.
You’re just giving yourself a headache and embarrassing yourself. Be quiet and don’t exceed your limits. Don’t lose your respect.


i dont support anyone ?
where did i say you cant make scripts?
you clearly dont understand english lol

apologize for my bad english :sleepy:
But it is not your place to criticize a product I made by commenting on it. I hope you understand me.

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since you like to talk crap against other developers and talk about respect. i updated the rsg framework’s multicharacter to fix ped preview spawning for free. everyone enjoy. its on the main github of rsg framework.

You are free to do whatever you want. Don’t Just don’t pollute my post with your name. It’s enough for me.

It’s also ironic that they did this after I did it. :kissing_heart:


You are not disconnected from QBCore RedM, disconnected from RSG Core :smiley: My friend, stop changing the names of existing things and saying ‘I did it’. If you do, please don’t brag about it. these are really funny

since you are talking facts
I just wanna say that this guy’s script has

  • a black skin tone on all characters on the showcase
  • a weird 50% health damage if you push a player from behind. (tested without his script and it was fixed)
  • The UI getting stuck even after you press ‘connect’ It’s so freaking annoying I had to rejoin FOUR times to get this fix for me.
    opened a ticket in his server and he ended his convo with ‘IDK’
    It is a waste of money

Skin tone data is reflected on the console very accurately. Problem with RSG-Appearance.
I just trigger an event to reflect the character’s data on the ped. So in this case there is nothing I can do, all data sent to the event is correct.

  • For The UI getting stuck even after you press ‘connect’ It’s so freaking annoying I had to rejoin FOUR times to get this fix for me.

Nobody ever complained about this problem, if I had received a complaint about it, the problem would have been solved already.
Also, I did not close any tickets saying IDK.
if you have some proof, you can provide it.

Problem with RSG-Appearance huh? false. i did not have to change anything for RSG-Appearance only removing the metadata since it does not exists yet. lmfao the reason why say black skin tone appears for just head and stuff has to do createped. you cant create a ped locally and set skin tone. its has to be networked. LOL

and who cares if they changed the name. do you not understand they all use a GPL-3.0 license. which means you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish). the point is don’t trash others.

also this looks soo similar to “UM - Multi Character” from fivem. you sure you didn’t just change some of that code for your code?

You can see some server side code part. :smiley: moreover, I coded this with only 2 days of knowledge, so I guess I did in 2 days what you couldn’t do in 2 years.
If you claim to know something, you can do better yourself and share it.

Also as i remember, you edited a door script and put sale for 35$ :smiley: Check this topic
Your sh*t topic

Don’t be loser my boi, this script is not hard for me.
It only took me 3-4 hours to write this.

Go and make your door script :smiley: