HELLO TO EVERYONE! Our current release is N-Series craft script.
Supported Frameworks;
- VORPCore
- Adjust via config to craft the items you want!
- Arrange how many minutes it will be ready after.
- Supported frameworks: RSG&VORP
- Detailed config file
- Items for which a craft request is sent will be ready within the specified time. Even if the server is closed or the player leaves, you can get the item from there whenever you want.
- Items data saved by using JSON Format.
- Smooth and cool NUI Design.
Config and JSON format
craft.json (265 Bytes)
config.lua (3.2 KB)
Buy script
Our other releases;
Staffchat resource
Multicharacter for RSG
Admin Menu V1
Advanced admin menu V2
Spawn Selector
Pause Menu
Marketplace (player-to-player)
Wholesaler (Sell your items)
Dailygift Script
Code is accessible | Depends on payment type |
Subscription-based | None |
Lines (approximately) | +300 |
Requirements | RSG & VORP |
Support | Yes |