Brown MLO Pack 80+ Interiors

This debug tool works wonders:

Appreciate it, thanks.

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Would it be possible to change the meth lab in La Mesa to a coke lab instead?

U change its ytyp name from meth to coke in the ymap u want to change

Would that have to be done through codewalker? I have the druglabs one but only see one ytyp

There should be 2 meth ones and 2 coke ones and then u can just look in codewalker what ymap u want to change :smiley:


hello i can’t use the coordonate can you show a map with the point of the 4 drug lab pls @MrBrown1999 ?

hey sorry i did figure out the prison, and the church, is the pet shop under the map technically

where is mansion? please answer

Do you guys know where i can get the hospital pill box the broken one map?

where can I get the script of paleto bay motel ?

Pack4 wont run for some reason, it says its missing a lua file

It actually does it for all packs

How do you install this thing? Do i just add the parts in the config, Like part 1 everything in that folder add to the server.cfg?

Asking for a friend?

You have to take the folders out of the Part1 Part2 ect.

are there firestation interiors in this one?

Anyway I can remove a certain interior?

Or are they separate resources?

Brown I downloaded the mansion and its not loading in even if I no clip.

@K4MB1 Any fix for Diner 2? only works if I disable Pink Motel. Also Coke/Meth lab 2 broken. Church has no open doors was that how it was made? Ace King 2 has No interior? Clucking Bell No open doors and only 1 location but 3 listed.

No entrance for the Agency or offices, Pet shop is an ammunition building, Pet shop clinic and lopbby not working?

Think i have listed all the problems i can find with this pack.