Blood Bowl! - GTA San Andreas minigame in FiveM!

Hey guys, :wave:

I’m back again, with a new gameplay script, called Blood Bowl!

The Idea:

Basically this, but multiplayer: GTA: San Andreas - Stadium Mission - Blood Bowl (HD) - YouTube
Players can gather in the arena start, in from of Maze Bank, and once 3 minimum are ready, they can start a new arena.

16 players gather in the Blood Ring, driving Arena Wars Issies, have to gather a total of 100 points before their time runs out.

Each player starts with 30 points. Every second, each player loses 1 point. First to reach 100 points wins.
There is one checkpoint present on the map at any time. Getting a checkpoint gives you 30 points.



  • 3 players minimum, 16 max.
  • Server-side spawned peds and vehicles (entity lockdown compatible)
  • AI copilots that shoots at the other players cars.


  • /newarena - ACE permission needed - restarts the arena. If there are any players in the arena at that time, they will be teleported in front of Maze Bank.
  • /skipintro - skips the intro scene that explains the game. You still need to wait for others to finish it.


Below, you can server-side events that get triggered when the arena is started / finished, and code snippets on how to handle them.

AddEventHandler('BloodBowl.Hook.ArenaFinished', function(_table1, _table2)
    --table1 = players who still had points when the arena ended, including the winner.
    for i,k in pairs(_table1) do
        print('name: '..k.stat.." | score: "..k.score.." | src: "" | cpUsed: "..k.checkpointsUsed.." | rpUsed: "..k.repairsUsed)
    --table2 = spectating players. They ran out of points before the arena ended.
    for i,k in pairs(_table2) do
        print('name: '" | src: "" | cpUsed: "..k.checkpointsUsed.." | rpUsed: "..k.repairsUsed)
AddEventHandler('BloodBowl.Hook.ArenaStarted', function(_table1)
    --table1 = pall players who entered the arena.
    for i,k in pairs(_table1) do
        print('name: '" | src: "

Things scraped :frowning:

  • AI drivers:
    • The code for bots is still there, but they don’t seem to like driving in the arena. I think that I haven’t loaded some pathfinding stuff, idk.
  • Multiple arenas:
    • Currently, only one arena can be played at one time. Maybe I will change that…sometime…
  • Different modes:
    • …Kinda got tired of this script, mostly because I couldn’t get enough people to properly test it.


Get it!


Will do a little PR to help you with optimisation :stuck_out_tongue: but looking good !

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Very cool

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I love it. Great release!

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scripts wiorks fine, only problem: if some1 gets points, everybody gets points

It joins only the host player to the game. then it freeze him and shows waiting for players

any errors is server / client console?

When someone gets a checkpoint, he will receive 30 points, the rest of the active players will receive 5. This is to make the game last longer. You can change that here:

…now that I see it… everyone will receive points, even at repair checkpoints. I will change that.

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Is it fixed already?

Yep. Get the latest version on github.

This game mode is fun haha, I had to implement it to my server! We had a couple of bugs though with the old version before updating, one is that when people enter the game mode, it doesn’t update. You have to back out and get back in so you can see the available players. Second, one of the cameras clips below the ground. Not sure if this is fixable or not. Otherwise, it’s a great game mode! You did a great job, my friend!

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